Testing a New Theme

OK, I seem to have finally found a WP theme that shows the names of my lovely commenters AND has a sidebar. I really like the sidebar widgets, because I don’t use any sort of reader. I should probably do something about that, but I’m not sure how to go about it. Now I’m seeing if I can get the picture to show at the top of my post on my main page, without the reader having to select it.

Well, that worked…but now I’m seeing the picture twice, which is NOT the case when I’m editing it. Grrr. Computers are fun! Oh, now it’s working. Lots to learn, clearly!


  • Zazzy

    Excellent! It’s funny, I didn’t even realize you used WP. I thought it was TypePad. This is a nice clean theme. I like it! I like what you’ve done, I haven’t looked at the new widgets to see if I can do some more customization. My priority should be to get my blogroll updated.

    As far as readers go, I mostly let WP send posts to my email. I use InoReader for a few things but only one blogger isn’t on WP which gets me out of the habit of checking reader. I truly need to find a way to get that blog in my email but apparently TypePad doesn’t do that.

    • J

      Thanks NGS, I feel like any post that includes a picture of Mulder is a good one! He was such a happy boy, you are definitely right about that.

  • Ally Bean

    Hey! You’re blogging. Yay! I hadn’t heard from you since your blog template went into decline and wondered if you were finished with blogging entirely. I like this template VERY much. I’m with you about a sidebar. They seem perfectly at home on personal blogs.

    [Will I receive via the WP system a notification of your reply to my comments left here? Previously I had to return to your blog to see what you’d said.]

    • J

      Ally, hmmm, interesting that you haven’t heard from me, as I have posted a few times. I don’t know what kind of reader you use, or if you mean that I hadn’t been by your place, which is probably true because I have been horrible lately about visiting blogs!

      Let me know if you get a notification on this reply, I’d love to know!