• Friday Randomness

    Time for some randomness to get you all caught up with me, and then hopefully I can come by and get caught up with all of YOU. First off, hurricanes and tornadoes. I’ve been thinking of my Florida bloggers…I hope you’re all safe. I’m on IG and saw some posts from Stephany that she is safe and she and her mom came through it fine. CCR was holed up with her cat in a hotel. Jenny was fully stocked with snacks, and now I see that she is happily untouched by the tornadoes in her area. Any other Floridians that I didn’t know were Floridian? I hope you’re all safe…

  • My Great Aunt Flo

    Grandma on the left, my Great Aunt Flo on the right. Aunt Flo’s husband died in 1961, and she spent the rest of her life caring for family. For a cousin, for her parents, and then for my Grandma. When my Grandma died in November of 2016, Aunt Flo asked me, “Who am I going to take care of now?” I told her that those days were behind her, she needed to take care of herself. She spent her final years collecting recipes and going through family treasures. Then in late 2021, she went to a care facility, where she got excellent care and lived near her granddaughter, Debbie, and…

  • My Old Ass

    On Elliott’s 18th birthday, she and two of her friends decide to blow off any other plans they might have (including the family birthday party at Elliott’s house) and go camping on a small island and take hallucinogenic mushrooms. Her friends are tripping and Elliott is feeling disappointed because she is not, but then her 39 year old self shows up to give her some life advice. 39 year old Elliott suggests that she should spend more time with her parents and her brothers, and that she should avoid a guy named Chad. Of course, Chad shows up, and Elliott has to figure that out, because 39 year old Elliott…

  • Proof of Life

    My poor avocado tree, which I grew from a seed and have had for many years, is not doing well. You may remember that its leaves fried in a 2 week heat wave this summer, though I watered my plants and tried to save them. I trimmed back the leaves, and have been watching to see if it might come back. There is new growth near the bottom of the trunk, but nothing higher up. What to do? It just so happens that one of my cousins knows a lot about plants, and is a Master Gardener. When I’m worried that I may have killed a plant, I consult her.…

  • The Substance

    This weekend, Ted and I went to see The Substance, which is described as feminist body horror. I did not know that going in (and not being a big fan of horror movies, I wouldn’t know what that means). I just knew that it starred Demi Moore as an aging actress who finds a way to split her body into older and younger versions, something like that. Think The Picture of Dorian Gray, a Faustian bargain, etc. The Substance is one of the weirdest movies I’ve ever seen. Did you see and enjoy Boxing Helena? The Fly?* Crash (the super creepy 1996 movie, not the 2005 one with Sandra Bullock)?…

  • Friday Randomness

    Just a few random things I’m thinking about today. First off, while I appreciate the humor of the joke above, I am a firm believer in the Oxford Comma, so the first line bugs me. Enough of that. On to randomness. Kyria posted about things she has learned, and one of them was about how she uses Feedly. I don’t use Feedly, but my blog does have an option when you comment, that you can get an email if someone replies to your comment. However, I have heard (from Ally I think) that it does not work. Color me pleased to read in Kyria’s comments that you need a plugin…

  • Staycation, Part II

    The second half of our Staycation began on Wednesday, when we drove to wine country on our new tires. Ted’s uncle, aunt, and cousin live in Sonoma County, so we started the day having lunch with them. Long-time readers may remember the wedding we attended in 2019, with two ceremonies, beautiful horses, and a big family reunion. That was Ted’s cousin. She now has a 2 1/2 year old daughter, and is on the beginning of her maternity leave with a new baby, due in early October. We had lunch with Ted’s uncle, aunt, cousin, and the pre-schooler. That is one smart kid, and she’s so sweet. It was fun…

  • Staycation, Part I

    As mentioned in my last post, Ted and I took this week off from work for a staycation. We live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and people come from around the world to visit, so sometimes it is fun to play tourist in our own area. We decided we wanted to do a variety of things…some days chilling and maybe getting things done, some days out and about. Here’s a recap of the first half of our staycation. Saturday, we went to Ted’s parents’ house to celebrate his step-dad’s birthday. It was a low key party, just us, them, and Ted’s brother. Instead of cooking, we brought in take-out,…

  • Friday Randomness

    What’s new pussycat? Around here, it’s gotten hot again, though thankfully only for a few days, and never over 100 degrees. Today is the beginning of a cool down. One nice thing about September heat waves as opposed to July or early August heat waves, is that the sun goes down a little earlier, so the full heat of the sun isn’t beating on our house for as long. It’s the little things in life, right? I kept seeing this ad on Facebook. It’s for a t-shirt company. My thought? Hannah’s an actor! (Hannah is Engie’s dog) Do you see a resemblance? Here are some gross things. We recently had…

  • Friday Randomness

    What could be more random than this artichoke that I saw growing in someone’s yard? Not much. I have seen artichokes growing as crops before, driving past farms, but never like this as an ornamental plant in someone’s yard. Pretty! Sometimes when I’m reading your blogs, I wish I could comment with a meme or a picture or whatever. Since that’s not how comments work, I will share a few responses/thoughts here. First off, Engie was saying that she wished she had pictures of puppy Hannah. So I thought I would share some pictures of our sweet puppy boy, Mulder. We got him when he was 7 months old, but…

  • Dinners this Week

    Sunday I went to the Farmers’ Market, and this was my haul. Yes, I spent $30 on berries alone, but I have been known to do that before. Actually, I have spent quite a bit more in the past. I regret nothing. We eat a lot of berries, so that’s not a problem. Same with the cantaloupe, grapes, and nectarines. More of an issue is the tomatoes. (Also the fruit flies! Damn them.) So, without further ado, here are my plans for dinners this week. I think it’s time to post my corn salad recipe, because it’s delicious and so easy. Probably I should have posted it a month ago…

  • Friday Randomness

    First off, I’m feeling less stressed. There is no reason to feel better, but one can only stay stressed out for so long. Our company is going to go through another round of layoffs in the next month or so, and they want all employees who live within 50 miles of an office to start coming in a couple of days a week. They say it’s time to get back to normal, pandemic is over, etc. The thing is, my team has never worked in an office, we’ve always been remote, so the idea of having to drive 60-90 minutes each way to sit in a cubicle with coworkers that…

  • Green Bean, Olive, and Goat Cheese Salad

    It’s been a week. I don’t talk about work much here, but this week was a tough one. I work in the IT industry, and my company did layoffs this week, including my boss. With no warning, as is the general practice. So I’m stressed out. In better news, I made Engie’s green bean and olive salad. (This was Engie’s contribution for Tobia’s Cool Bloggers Summer Salad Challenge) It’s a winner, though Maya said it hasn’t changed her mind about green beans (she’s not a fan). Because I’m stressed out and can’t think of any content for you, I’ll copy the recipe here for you (and for me, I come…

  • The Neapolitan Novels

    Is it pretentious that I chose the Italian covers for these novels? Maybe. Anyway, it’s time to talk about the Neapolitan Novels, by Elena Ferrante. Many of us read the first book in the series, My Brilliant Friend, for Engie’s Cool Bloggers Book Club in February. Some of us adored it, some tolerated it, some wished they had taken that time to deep clean their bathtub. I’m in the adored it category, so I went on and read the other three books in the series, The Story of a New Name, Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay, and The Story of the Lost Child. I also listened to them…

  • Miscellaneous Monday

    This is going to be one of those random posts, just things I’m thinking about. (I mean, that is the name of my blog, right?) First I will dip my toes into politics a bit, and say that I am feeling MUCH more hopeful about the possibility of no Trump presidency than I was a couple of weeks ago. Ever since Biden’s horrible debate, I’ve been so stressed out. I think he’s been a very good President, and doesn’t get enough credit for his accomplishments. I honestly doubt that he could put in another 4 years, though, it’s a hell of a job. But we have a whole system set…