Are You a BSG Fan?
If not, why? Why not? Are you an idiot? Are you sure? Really sure? It’s really a good, good, GOOD show. Maybe even…GREAT. Better than 95% of the stuff out there, and I’m not generally a huge fan of sci-fi. If you ARE a BSG fan, what do you think? Is Starbuck a figmant of Lee’s imagination, like Number 6 to Baltar? Is she the Chosen One? Or the 5th of the final 5? And what of the other 4? Are they truly Cylons? Or have they somehow been tricked? And what about the President? Is SHE a Cylon? Why is she sharing dreams with Sharon, Hera, and 6? Is it because…
What if…
Ted’s girlfriends, the Dixie Chicks…. Started a reality show, where they went on tour with Ted, and Curtis Stone (The Take Home Chef) and Curtis and I cooked for Ted and the Chicks…and lots of wacky hijinks ensued… Would you watch? I would… Totally…
Our Newest Addiction…
We were addicted to Buffy…and finally, it went off the air (ALAS!) and we got the DVDs, and we can watch it whenever we want to, and mostly, we’re OK. We were addicted to West Wing (not like Buffy, but we did watch it every week…) and now, it’s gone away. This happens over the years…Thirtysomething, The X Files, 90210, etc. All of these shows, we love them, and they go away…and whenever they go away, I feel a great sense of relief…like, oh, good, one less show that I HAVE to watch, one less show that calls me, that I want to tape when I’m not going to be…
TV Dinner
I’m hooked, not only on East of Eden (maybe 1/3 of the way through now), but also on the newish TLC show, Take Home Chef. Has anyone else seen this show? Here, it’s on from 5:00 – 5:30, and again from 5:30 – 6:00 on weeknights. So yeah, I’m kind of glued to the TV from 5 – 6 each evening. The premise of the show is that a cute blonde Australian chef named Curtis Stone (maybe from the Flintstones?) picks up someone at the grocery store (usually Whole Foods or another upscale store, and 9 times out of 10, the someone is a young woman, and she is always…
I’m not sure how I feel about this…
I’m such a huge Buffy fan, and yet…and yet, not so sure that I’ll be enjoying reading about the adventures of the Scooby Gang via the comic book genre rather than seeing them on Tuesday evenings via my TV screen. Will it satisfy me? Will it satisfy Maya, who was crushed by the idea that Buffy was no longer the only slayer (well, aside from Kendra, who died, and Faith, who didn’t, but I digress…)? Will we become obsessed, I mean, MORE obsessed than we already are? Will we become huge comic book fans? I shudder to think. I’ve never really been a fan of comic books, except maybe Betty…
Another Pilgrim Post
After yesterday’s post about The Scarlet Letter, a tale of Puritans in New England, I thought I’d continue on a theme. After all, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. YAY! I was intrigued to see an ad in the newspaper for a television show, promising to tell a thorough, factual story of the crossing of the Mayflower and the beginning of the Plymouth colony. As this is Thanksgiving week, I thought it might be an interesting show to watch. The show is called “Desperate Crossing – The Untold Story of the Mayflower” The story starts in the early 1600s, with the Puritans (as we now call them – they were called separatists back…
TiVo Alert!
Popcorn and toast? For Thanksgiving? You bet! A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is on tonight at 8:00, on ABC. ENJOY!
TV Shows I Tried, but Couldn’t Get Into
For my 13th Thursday 13, I thought I would confess some of the TV shows that I have watched, or TRIED to watch, but just couldn’t get into over the last several years. Yes, there are gratuitous Buffy references, when obviously, Buffy does not belong on this list. So sue me. 1. Desperate Housewives. I tried a few episodes, and I liked it at the beginning, but when Terri Hatcher’s character got stuck outside naked in the bushes, I just thought it was too dumb, and stopped watching. 2. Grey’s Anatomy. Everyone loves this show, and maybe I should have tried another season, but we rented season one, and found…
I wish all weekends could be three day weekends. More specifically, I wish this had been a three day weekend. No worries, though, because we had a lovely time, and got in some touristy stuff, some shopping, and some loafing. 🙂 We started out with Friday night…Ted and LaLuna made a lovely hamburger dinner, which we enjoyed at S’s house, while we watched Battlestar Galactica. Lovely. We had a nice time, and S opened a wonderful bottle of red wine for us to enjoy. After we got home, Maya went to bed, and Ted and I watched Lost, which we had taped on Wednesday. Saturday, I woke up with a…
Sitcom Theme Songs I Can’t Help But Sing Along With…
This one is kind of embarrasing, but I can’t help myself. I totally ripped off the lovely Tracy at The Starshine Report, but really, I have no shame. 😉 I’ve decided to pump it up a bit for you, though, so you can watch the videos yourself, and see/hear the theme songs. Enjoy! (lost these when I  moved to WordPress. You can go here to see them, or check them out at YouTube.) 1. The Jeffersons. I dare you not to sing along. I, too, want a piece of the pie. And remember the interracial couple next door? The black woman was my boyfriend Lenny Kravitz’s mom. Whew. 2.…
Breaking Up with Shannen Doherty
Has anyone else out there ever found yourself up too late, watching TV, and flipping channels, and you come across the train wreck that is “Breaking Up with Shannen Doherty“? (Let me take a moment to tell you that in searching for photos of Shannen showing her big nasty gap-toothed smile that makes me think, ‘braces’, ‘cosmetic dentistry’, and ‘frenectomy‘, I came across the news that 90210 will finally be released on DVD this fall…oh, I’m almost tempted, but $62 for one season? WTF?)So, here’s the premise of her new show. Girl wants to break up with boy, but she’s such a LOSER FREAK that she thinks it will be…
Heads Up Again
Have you ever wondered why, if we’re all descended from Africans 2,000 generations ago, we look so different? How people could possibly have arrived in Australia soon after Africa, and much later in Europe, which is connected by land? Sometimes I sort of wonder these things, in the non-scientific way my mind has, like, hmmm…I know that “sun people” are dark, and “ice people” are light”, but how did this happen? Wait, what’s for dinner?” Hmmm. I could have called this post, “We’re all African”, “Walking for Evolution”, or “Science vs. Traditionalists”. Ted and I stumbled upon a great show on PBS tonight, called “Journey of Man“. Has anyone seen…
DVD Wrap-Up
We watched a few DVDs over Labor Day weekend…OK, just two. We watched disc one, season one, of “Weeds“, and an indie film titled “Duma“. I’m sure some of you fancy-pants folks have cable systems that allow you to have Showtime and HBO for less than $100 a month, or you have a dish, which we can’t get because of our tree situation, so you have been watching Weeds since it came out. I’m also sure that there are those amongst you who didn’t pretty much have it confused in your head with Deadwood, so you were ahead of me there, too. Being not into the whole western genre, I’ve…
Heads Up
I’ve told you once before about my cousin, Tony, who is in prison, convicted of a murder that, tragically, he did commit. Tony has been in prison now for just over 30 years, and is a very different person than he was back then. Tony’s mom, my Aunt Lori, recently began reading my blog, and had emailed me to ask if I might print and mail Tony the 3 part story about when I met my father for the first time. I did so, and wrote him a letter as well. Upon returning from our vacation in Oregon last Monday, I found a letter from Tony, including some lovely pictures…
Did Anyone Else LOVE This Show?
Boy, I used to love to watch “Land of the Lost” when I was 8 or 9…Saturday morning cheezy crap TV at its finest! I loved Holly, kind of wanted to be her. Loved Cha-ka (Who, by the way, was NOT played by a member of the group, Sugar Ray, at least according to this article. I know, you’re crushed. I happen to have it on good authority that Ted’s friend’s Matt’s Wife’s exboyfriend, the actor, was Cha-ka. And I’m totally kidding there. That’s an inside joke that only Ted will get, because his friend and friend’s wife don’t read my blog.) The Sleestack were TOO SCARY (OK, even then…