• Dr. 007

    We sat down the other night and watched the first episode of Grey’s Anatomy. I’ve heard such great things about this show, so I’ve been looking forward to watching it. After seeing the first episode, I have two things to say: 1. I hope that the tendency of going into heavy music decreases. I mean, I like a good pop song to tell me what I should be feeling and that this is a hip, edgy place to be as much as the next person, but they cut away to trendy music at least 4 times, maybe more. I do understand that it is the RARE series where the pilot…

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  • Proof of the Apocolypse:

    Noam Chomsky talking at West Point on CSPAN2. Never thought I would see that. Yet there it was on Monday night TV. (It was on Book TV, which won’t come up right now, so I can’t find out if there’s a link to the actual show or not. Like you’d want to watch it, I know. It was classic Chomsky, though, which is always interesting.) Proof I married well: When the cadet goes up and gives Chomsky a gift at the end of his talk, Ted says, “What if it’s the user manuel to his car?” HA!

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  • Time for the Ego

    In a complete 180 from yesterday’s post, today I’m thinking of ways to improve myself, in very superficial ways. So, first, I want to stop eating like a wolf. I used to eat very slowly, chewing my food complelety before swallowing. If I didn’t chew all of the way, it would kind of make me sick. Then I had a child. And every time you want to eat, they need something. And she had colic, so we had to take turns eating while the other one held a screaming baby. After months of colic and years of a child needing you 24 hours a day, I turned into a wolfer.…

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  • Why I Should Not Be Allowed To Work From Home

    Because I was sitting here, peacefully trying to figure out how to write up specs for EFT transfers for U.S. Savings Bonds via our Software Interface Payroll Software, and a knock came on the door….and this book was sitting there, smiling up at me, wanting me to play. Really, I don’t even UNDERSTAND the issues behind the specs I’m supposed to be writing, so how am I supposed to be concentrating on that when Clinton and Stacy are sitting there, trying to show me how to look my best? Really, people, come on. I’m only human.

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  • Nothing to See Here, Folks…Move Along….

    Friday morning, did some work on a company newsletter already, getting ready to wake Maya up for school. I have nothing for you, my friends, though I’m hoping for some cute pics of Maya feeding ducklings on the way to school today…we’ll see if it happens. Oh, I have a friend who JUST started a blog a few days ago. He wants to be a writer, maybe, and is thinking this is a good way to write a bit every day. So far, he writes about important issues like Napping. Since I’m big on the napping thing, I thought I’d give him a shout out. Go Ramzi! Ted is thinking…

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  • Wanted and Loved

    We were watching “Six Feet Under” last night, and boy, that show has gotten pretty depressing. Wait, it has always been depressing. What am I saying? Anyway, David and Keith are looking into adopting or having a surrogate mother help them, so they can be dads. At one point, they go to the house of another gay acquaintance of theirs, who has some other friends over for drinks. They raise a toast to David and Keith’s endeavors. The toast? “May every child be wanted and loved just as they are, because otherwise, life is hell.” Wow. Now, I know this toast is coming from a gay man, and his personal…

  • Talking ’bout TV….

    Yesterday, among all of the challanges of getting my home office set up, I remembered that it was Wednesday, LOST night. It was just about 8:00, so I checked Yahoo TV to see if it was a new episode, or if they were pulling a LOST on us. Yahoo said they’re pulling a LOST, and it was some other show. Two episodes of some sitcom I had never heard of. So I got pissed about how much they suck, and poured a glass of wine, and we sat down to watch some mighty fine TV anyway. Did any of you watch Dead Like Me when it was on? WOW, what…

  • Regrets, I have a few…

    I was thinking about all of the MEMEs that we see on blogs, and funny lists of music, etc. Which started me thinking of the songs that I HATE. That make me sick to my stomach. That I wish I could extinguish from the earth. So, I put together a MEME about things I regret having in existance… Songs I wish I Had Never Heard (because they suck) 1. Superman (It’s not easy) – Five for Fighting (can be switched with 100 years, same group, if you hate that one even more.) 2. You’re Beautiful – James Blunt (I know it’s popular…but please, kill me now…he just sounds like a…

  • The Idiot Box

    This was a weekend made up largely of watching TV. My plans with my friend had changed, my back was tentative, and for once, no birthdays or dinners to attend. I suppose we could have started getting my ‘home office’ ready for when I start working from home, but I wasn’t so interested in that. I think I’d prefer to do that on ‘work time’ rather than ‘my time’, if you know what I mean. So, on Saturday I watched Battlestar Galactica on the computer (downloaded from iTunes, since Comcast doesn’t give us Sci Fi channel unless we pay more $$$). Like I said on Saturday, that’s a darned good…

  • Misc Thoughts…

    I don’t have a central theme today…just thought I would pass on some things I have heard about, that may be of interest. 1. I was listening to the ever-beloved iPod this morning, to a podcast of To the Best of Our Knowledge, and one thing they mentioned in passing was these genetically modified flowers that have been developed in Denmark. Not so hot on the genetically modified agriculture, but these are good in a way that few things in this world are good. What do they do? You take the seeds to a country that has been at war, like, say, Afghanistan or Iraq, and you plant them in…

  • Weekend Wrap Up

    This weekend was jam packed with fun. Got to leave work early on Friday, in celebration of the long weekend. 🙂 I went home and started dinner, which was fancy tuna sandwiches. We went to Ted’s brother’s house to eat dinner and watch Battlestar Galactica, which we do every Friday now. We don’t get Sci-Fi channel on our cable, but his brother has satellite or something. We can’t get it, because of the trees near our house, and we’re too cheap to pay for the expensive cable that would come with the channel. But it’s fun anyway. Saturday was cleaning day. Ugh. My kitchen was so disgusting, it was embarrasing.…

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  • Apropos of yesterday’s post….

    Looks like HBO has a new show coming out about a polygemous family…I wonder if I can buy it on iTunes, like Ted does with Battlestar Galactica? I doubt it. Probably I’ll have to wait for the DVD. I’ll be interested to hear if it’s any good, though. HBO Rocks.

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  • Flashback Friday

    I was going to skip posting for a few days…maybe until Monday…just to show you all that I don’t HAVE to post every day, and I DON’T have a ‘posting problem’ or anything. But apparantly that’s not true. Is there a support group out there for blogging? Maybe this will be my only post for the day. Maybe. Anyway, here’s where I rip off TWO friends at once! First, Autumn’s Mom, who sometimes posts about music from the 80’s on Friday, taking us all into a slightly uncomfortable yet somehow pleasant time warp, and second, Jeffito, who has a link to a THIRD blog, Drink at Work. It’s the Drink…