Are You a BSG Fan?

If not, why?  Why not?  Are you an idiot? Are you sure?  Really sure? It’s really a good, good, GOOD show.  Maybe even…GREAT.  Better than 95% of the stuff out there, and I’m not generally a huge fan of sci-fi.

If you ARE a BSG fan, what do you think?  Is Starbuck a figmant of Lee’s imagination, like Number 6 to Baltar?  Is she the Chosen One?  Or the 5th of the final 5?  And what of the other 4?  Are they truly Cylons?  Or have they somehow been tricked?  And what about the President?  Is SHE a Cylon? Why is she sharing dreams with Sharon, Hera, and 6?  Is it because she shares DNA with Hera and Sharon?  Or is there more to it? And WTF with the Dylan song?  Distracting?  Clever? Lame? I mean, um, what?

I just read that season 4 doesn’t start until January of 2008.  God, does that blow.  Our only consolation is that there is a 2 hour direct to video movie coming in the 4th quarter of 2007.  If you haven’t been watching, there’s still time to catch up.  Don’t make me call a Buffy on you here…great show, and you’re not watching…


  • J

    Eric, that was painful. I’m sorry to say that I suspect that’s why more people don’t watch…not that they don’t have cable, like you, but that the original show was so bad…maybe they should move it over to NBC, too, to get more viewers. Although then there’d HAVE to be less nudity…

    Melissa, gosh, I was sure you’d seen it by now. Sorry. 🙂

    ML, you have awhile to catch up, or yes, I’m going to kick your ass. 😉

    Beenzzz, I DON’T KNOW why it’s so long. Very frustrating.

  • Gina

    I plead no cable on this one, although I assume at least the first season is out on DVD?

    I’ll go get BSG if you go get Arrested Development! 😉

  • Ginger

    I knew when Starbuck crashed that they would have to bring her back. What else could they do? I don’t want to believe Starbuck is a cylon, though. Maybe just somehow tied to the whole search for Earth -like the “chosen one”. I was so sure all this time Baltar was a cylon. Why else would 6 be in his head? The other 4 a big shock! But I knew when the cylon saw the 5 in the temple it would be someone we knew well. I am grumpy about the 2008 thing. Waiting until October was bad enough.

  • J

    Gina, we tried Arrested Development once…couldn’t really get into it…I hear such good things, but maybe just not our humor? Tell you what, I’ll try it again. 🙂

  • Starshine

    I just can’t get into Sci Fi. My college roommate was a trekkie, and I watched several episodes of that with her. I’m proud of myself that I know what a furangi is. Also, I saw the episode where Data felt emotion.

    But when I hear words like “Cylons” and phrases like “Number 6 to Baltar”, my brain is like, “No, ma’am. We don’t go there.” Probably just as well, since I can’t afford another TV addiction. Gilmore Girls, The Office, and Gray’s Anatomy are all that my schedule can handle!

    I did like Buffy, though! 🙂

  • Lalunas

    I went on line and read a few comments about the season last show. Really interesting how much insite I got. Thank you for letting me crash in your chair and watch the episode