5 Things To Do In San Francisco
(This picture is from 2001, when we got snow in the hills….though sadly not outside my house or anything handy…but just so you know, the hills are not usually white…they’re green, or brown, but not usually white…) Flitting about the internets, I found myself at hamelife, where I saw this contest. Hmmm. A list of 5 things, huh? Any 5 things I want? OK. Some folks I know are coming to San Francisco in the semi-near future, so, in their honor, Five Things To Do In The City….and since they’re only in SF for a short time, I’m going to plan it like they are doing all 5 things in…
Real Moms teach by example…
Have you noticed, when you get to know people, how sooner or later, your story comes out? Unless you’re hiding it, and sometimes, even if you are. But assuming you’re not hiding anything, your story explains to people who you are, how you got to be this person that they are talking to, how you grew and developed, what your strengths and scars are… Part of my story isn’t really mine, it’s about my parents. I’ve told it before, but the short version is that my mother wasn’t married to my father…or my brother’s father, and they weren’t the same man. My mother was divorcing her first husband when I…
Food Meme
I’ve been tagged by Ms. Mama, and since I do love food, I’m in. 🙂 1. What’s your #1 comfort food? Um…maybe mac and cheese? 2. If you were on a deserted island, what one food would you want to have with you? Pasta with veggies. 3. What is/are your signature dishes? (What dishes are you ‘known’ for?) I don’t know if I’m ‘known for’ any dishes, but I’ve passed on my recipe (well, Greens recipe) for Black Bean Enchiladas, and I have gotten a few folks hooked on my version of my favorite pasta at California Pizza Kitchen. I love that dish. We eat it a lot. Probably a…
A Meme for Monday
I saw this meme at my mom’s blog, Maya’s Granny. You’re tagged if you read it, though of course, you can choose to play or not. I’m in, nice for a Monday, right? BOOKS I’VE READ MEME *Look at the list of books below. *Bold the ones you’ve read. *Italicize the ones you want to read. *leave blank the ones that you aren’t interested in. *If you are reading this, tag you’re it. 1. The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown) 2. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) 3. To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee) 4. Gone With The Wind (Margaret Mitchell) 5. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King…
Thirteen Reasons my Daughter is Cute…
Ă‚Â I keep a little journal for Maya, and in it, I’ve been writing off and on since she was little…memories of times we have together, updates, cute things, etc.Ă‚Â I looked at it the other night and I realized it’s been a LONG time since I wrote in it.Ă‚Â Like maybe a coupleĂ‚Â ofĂ‚Â years, except without the maybe. Ă‚Â I was looking back, and I found some very cute things that Maya said or did when she was very small…she still says and does very cute things, but since she’s older now, she might not appreciate me sharing them now. 🙂 So, 13 cute things Maya said or did when she…
Thirteen Memes…
I was recently tagged for two memes that I’ve already done, and I don’t think I could go through with doing them again, as much as I do love me a good meme. So, I thought, why not milk this for a Thursday Thirteen, another type of meme….I mean, really, why not. So, here you go, Thirteen Memes I’ve completed. Wendy and Curiosity Killer, the first two are the ones you tagged me for: Five Things You May Not Know About Me – Okay, Wendy, yours was 6 things, so here’s one more: I confess so much to you people, that there is nothing left to put here. That’s something…
Thirteen Things…
It’s another of those days when I don’t have anything specific to talk about, so you get a bunch of mismatch stuff.Ă‚Â Here goes. 1. I saw something on Yahoo yesterday, about Valentine mistakes you don’t want to make.Ă‚Â Want to know what the mistakes were?Ă‚Â Being too predictable.Ă‚Â Roses, fancy dinner, sexy lingerie.Ă‚Â See the picture here, from Yahoo?Ă‚Â She’s pissed off, because he didn’t get it right.Ă‚Â That makes me mad.Ă‚Â Because the assumption is, he tried. He was trying to be romantic for Valentine’s day, and darn it, it just wasn’t good enough for her.Ă‚Â I’m sure some women are truly like this, and I’m sure some…
Page 123 Meme
OK, all of the cool kids are doing it, so I guess I’m in, too. 🙂 Here are the rules: 1. Find the nearest book. 2. Name the book & the author. 3. Turn to page 123. 4. Go to the fifth sentence on the page. Copy out the next three sentences and post to your blog. 5. Tag three more folks. Here goes: 1. Got it. Not going to use it, because it’s not really handy…it’s holding up my computer monitor. Cheap ergonomics, meant to get the monitor closer to eye level and reduce strain on my neck and upper back. Instead, I’ll use the book I’m reading right…
10 Things I Love That Begin With The Letter “M”….and 10 that I don’t…
Lotus was assigned “B” by Heather, and then Lotus assigned me the letter “M”. So, here we go, Ten Things I Love That Begin With “M”. And, because my brain just works this way, 10 things that I don’t love, that also start with an “M”. Maya – Of course, she’s my baby, and my very favorite “M” of all. Mondays – Duh. Marriage – Of course, it helps that I married Py. If I had a crappy marriage, this wouldn’t make it on my list. But happily, it’s there. Muscrat Love – Duh again. Moms – I’m a mom, and it’s the greatest thing ever. My mom is a…
5 Things You May Not Know About Me
One of the blogs I love to read, and I almost passed out once when she commmented on my blog, because, wow, you know, I got a comment from RSM, is Rockstar Mommy. I’m not sure we have a lot in common, other than that we’re both moms, and we’re both blonde (wink wink), and we’re both Capricorns, but I love her writing style (I’m a sucker for proper grammar, and a sense of humor to boot!Ă‚Â And she’s only 25! Or 26! She just had a birthday, but I don’t remember the age…she’s young, anyway), and she has very cute kids and very great taste in music. Heck, I…
What I’m From
I saw this meme, if you want to call it that, here. I’m not positive of how to work with it, but we’ll see how it turns out. If you want to try, there’s a template for this exercise, which you can find here. I am from San Francisco Sourdough bread on picnics, from the smell of bacon in the morning, and saltine crackers and kool-aid as an afternoon snack. I am from 7-11 and Tower Records on Christmas day, my money burning a hole in my pocket. I am from the many houses over the years…a homestead outside of Fairbanks, Alaska, with no running water, and coal or oil…
Christmas Dinner…
Merry Christmas Everyone! I was tagged awhile ago by ML at Zee’s Space to do this meme…the idea is that you’re serving a bunch of foodies, maybe even food bloggers, a wonderful dinner. What do you serve? Well, I certainly don’t have the guts to have a bunch of food bloggers over to my tiny kitchen, with whatever food I could muster, but instead, I’m inviting you all, OK? So, here’s my menu: We’ll start with a small cup of lobster bisque, served with some fresh tarragon sprinkled on top, and Veuve Cliquot Champagne, because everything tastes better with Veuve Cliquot. I linked to a recipe that says it’s for…
Untitled…because I can’t think of anything clever…
Gina recently did a post, which she found in a couple of different places, where she listed the first sentence from the first post of the month in 2006.Ă‚Â I’m game, so here goes: January: I was surfing blogs and came across this one, via Bitch PhD, but the post was here.Ă‚Â (It appears that this was my first meme, and I wasn’t used to all of the blog ettiquette yet…I didn’t link to Bitch PhD, and my link to the first blog was just to the blog, not to the post in question.Ă‚Â Ah, back in the days of my early blogging…) February: Looks like HBO has a new…
A to Z Meme
I have a lot of year end type work today, and Maya’s going to school, and I’m still coughing (when do you decide it’s time to go to the doctor, I wonder?), so it’s handy to have a meme or two lying around, which, as a matter of fact, I do.Ă‚Â I’ve been tagged by Curiosity Killer, she who lives in Hong Kong and comes to read my posts sometimes. 🙂 This meme is alphabetical…one question for each letter. Here goes. A – Available/single? No. Been together 19 years on December 12th. 🙂 B – Best Friend? Ted. C – Cake or Pie? Pie. Apple, ala mode. Or Marionberry, ala…
A Meme About the Movies…
I was sort of tagged for this meme by MsMama. Looked like fun, though I’ll admit it took more time than I expected it to take. 1. Popcorn or candy? Popcorn, but either no butter or just a little. Too greasy on my fingers. I used to dip it in my coke as a child, because I figured it made it soft enough to not damage my braces. Kinda gross, but I got used to it, and now I like it. 2. Name a movie you’ve been meaning to see forever. Sorry, can’t think of any. With Netflix, I can pretty much see anything I want. 🙂 Someone said I…