Untitled…because I can’t think of anything clever…

Gina recently did a post, which she found in a couple of different places, where she listed the first sentence from the first post of the month in 2006.  I’m game, so here goes:

January: I was surfing blogs and came across this one, via Bitch PhD,
but the post was here.  (It appears that this was my first meme, and I wasn’t used to all of the blog ettiquette yet…I didn’t link to Bitch PhD, and my link to the first blog was just to the blog, not to the post in question.  Ah, back in the days of my early blogging…)

February: Looks like HBO has a new show coming out about a polygemous family…I wonder if I can buy it on iTunes, like Ted does with Battlestar Galactica?  (Here, I showed a picture from the advertizing for the show, but didn’t actually name it, or link to it, or whatever.  I think it was called, “Big Love”, and I heard it was very good, but still, haven’t seen it yet.)

March: Maya left this morning for an overnight ‘camping’ fieldtrip with her class.

April: There’s a lot of fuss about immigration in the news lately…and that, plus a couple of posts I’ve read, at Homesick Home and Angry Black Bitch, have gotten me to thinking. (I linked to them both here!  I’m getting better!  And I linked to the actual posts, not just the blogs! Amazing.)

May: Black Belt Mama’s post about House Parties, got me to thinking.

June: Because I have this thought in the back of my head, which goes something like, “Why would we want a Constitutional Amendment outlawing Gay Marriage, which will be overturned someday when our ideas of Civil Rights are a bit more defined and humane, and when we have bigger fish to fry?”, and she writes this, which talks about so much more…about how our Congress is a bunch of mamby pamby asshats that worry too much about stupid shit and not enough about REAL issues.  (The link was yet again to Angry Black Bitch, which was in the title of the post as well…)

July: I know, dog blogging is supposed to be on Fridays, but oh well. Sue me.

August: Ever have one of those days when your insides are just all jumbled, and you feel tense, and although nothing bad really happens to you, you’re pretty much ready to snap?

September: I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon and award a perfect post.

October: Meat/Animals I will eat:

November: Awhile ago, I read about a blogger who would write of the little things she is thankful for, because they are important and worth of recognition. (Worth of recognition? What kind of grammar is that?  Worthwhile, perhaps, or worth recognition. I swear, my fingers and my brain just aren’t connected sometimes.)

December: When Ted and I got married, lo those many many years ago (13 1/2), I had the decision to make…to change my name, and take his last name?

That’s it…12 first lines, and it was kind of fun to go find them, though it reminded me of how messed up some of my posts look that came over from Blogger.  Oh well. 😉 Thanks, Gina, for a fun idea!