Salad Bar
Do you really need a recipe for salad with chicken? Probably not. But anyway, here is how I sometimes serve chicken and salad, and I call it a salad bar. This way, we can all have just what we want, and nothing we don’t. I like my salad fully dressed, so I take my portion and put it in a mixing bowl, toss it with dressing, and then put it on my plate. Ted and Maya aren’t as picky as I am, so they just put some dressing on top of their salad and call it done. Here’s a list of the options we had this time. What am I…
Next Door Neighbor
We came across a video of the top dogs from the 2022 Westminster Kennel Club Masters the other day, and just fell in love with this dog, whose name is ‘Bee’, but whom we call ‘Next Door Neighbor’. All Shetland Sheepdogs, in our mind, are named either ‘Mommy’ or ‘Next Door Neighbor’, which is a throwback to our sweet girl, Genevieve, who was half Sheltie, half Keeshond (which is Mulder’s breed). Anyway, if you need a smile, watch ‘Next Door Neighbor’ do her thing with SO MUCH ABSOLUTE JOY. I love her so much.
Wordless Wednesday – Current Situation
Happy Valentine’s Day
Miscellaneous Monday
I don’t know what to write about today, so I’m going to just throw a bunch of stuff at you. Here goes. Regarding the meme above, this is how I felt when we were in France last year. The names of the towns we stayed in were pronounced completely differently than they looked to my American eyes. Mougins is pronounced ‘MOO-jan‘ with a soft j, short a, and a soft n. Click the link to hear. Vincennes is a little closer to how it looks, VA-sen, with a short A. One of the stops on our train ride between Paris and Vincennes is Nation, pronounced NA-si-on, with all short vowels.…
Intention vs. Accountability
There are things that I intend to do, or not do, but then things fall apart when faced with reality, and I fail on my intention. I have an ongoing issue with my love for potato chips. I do not intend to eat them practically every day. I don’t keep them in the house, usually, because if they are here I will eat them. Especially if they are Salt and Vinegar Kettle Chips, or sometimes, Doritos. So I start out my day just fine, but then I go to the grocery store on my lunch hour, and I get to the check out line, and there they are. Somehow, magically,…
Meatless Monday – Garlicky Spinach and Chickpea Soup
Somehow I seem to have subscribed to receive recipes from the Washington Post via email. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as it brought me this recipe last week. Since you need some sort of subscription to access the recipe there (it may be free, just sign up to receive their emails I think, which is likely how I ended up with it). (UPDATE: Clearly my memory is deeply flawed. I just realized that I did not receive this recipe in an email from Washington Post, I saw it on Suzanne’s blog, Life of a Doctor’s Wife.) I did a search and found the recipe on the PureWow website.…
Thursday 13 – Boob Tube Edition
We watch a lot of TV around here. Many weeknights see us plopped down in front of the boob tube watching reruns of something or another (Currently it’s ‘The Office’, though we are almost finished) while we have dinner. We used to eat at the table, and sometimes we still do, but most nights we don’t. Who knows why. After dinner, Maya does the dishes and then goes upstairs to get ready for bed. She gets up early on workdays, and likes a good 9 hours of sleep if she can manage it. Ted and I stay up for a couple more hours, and watch TV or, once in awhile,…
Meatless Monday – Kidney Bean Curry and Spiced Cauliflower
This morning, I was deciding what to make for tonight’s dinner, and I landed on a delicious Kidney Bean Curry via Smitten Kitchen that I first wrote about here. It’s really good, and we haven’t had it in awhile. In the recipe on Smitten Kitchen, she referenced a recipe for Aloo Gobi, which is another dish that I really like. With Ted being low carb, I had a thought, which was, what would happen if I made the Aloo Gobi sans Aloo? In other words, spiced cauliflower and potatoes, without the potatoes? Worth a try. I made some microwave jasmine rice to go with it, for me and Maya. Here…
Morning Walk
Just a quick post tonight, Ted is making dinner (Dungeness crab, caught by a friend’s fisherman son yesterday, fresh fresh fresh) and then we will be watching Maya’s new zombie show, The Last of Us. Here are some photos from an early morning walk Mulder and I took recently. Actually, looking at the photos, I can see that I cheated, these are not all from the same walk. Pretend you don’t notice that the leash in the last photo is different than the leash in the first photo. The picture above is the sun coming up behind Mt. Diablo, and Mulder looking handsome near the little lake in our nearby…
Friday 5
Today’s post will be 5 things I’m thinking about.
Catching up on Reading
Reading for me is mostly audiobooks these days, as I can listen to them while Mulder and I go for our morning walk, or while I cook dinner, sometimes when I go grocery shopping. It’s a mixed bag, because sometimes my mind wanders and I find I have gaps. Recently I was listening to a book, and while I thought I had stopped it when I took out my earbuds, it was still going, and when I realized it I had lost a couple of hours. Finding where you were in an audiobook is very different than finding where you were in a physical copy. Also, you don’t have that…
Meatless Monday – Now on Tuesday!
Today, Ted had plans to go to dinner with some coworkers from his last job, friends he hasn’t seen in ages and misses. That left Maya and me at home for dinner, which to me means pasta, and to Maya means vegetarian. I thought of recipes I’ve made before, and decided that instead, I would look at what we had already and make something out of it. I had just cleaned out the fridge and cupboard the other day, so I knew what we had. The result was a delicious and satisfying meal, and I’m writing down the ‘recipe’ for next time. Amounts? However much you want. Fusilli with Pesto,…
Grandma’s 100th Birthday
This is my Grandma Ward, on the left, and her sister, my Great Aunt Flo, on the right. Had she lived, today would have been Grandma’s 100th birthday. I wrote about her here when she died. She had a long life, full of adventures (as she put it), travel, and a lot of loss. She outlived both of her husbands and all four of her children. She and my Aunt Flo were best friends, born 16 months apart. They lived together for the last almost 30 years of Grandma’s life…and for at least the last 15, Aunt Flo was Grandma’s caretaker, as Grandma’s health was not great, and Aunt Flo…
Sunday Musings – What the Hell is Wrong with Me?
This is the outlook on my weather app. It’s Sunday morning as I write this, and it’s raining right now. We’re going to get a break for a few hours, in which time we will take Mulder for his walk. It is going to start again this evening, and we have a storm tomorrow. Then it is supposed to calm down, no more rain in the forecast for the next 10 days at least. Which I will admit, stresses me out. I mean, I WANT IT TO DRY OUT, but at the same time, if this is IT for the year and we don’t get any more rain (it has…