Wordless Wednesday – Smoky Sky Edition


  • J

    My photography skills don’t really convey how dark and gloomy it is outside. But notice the globe light by the pool, which you should definitely NOT be able to see at 10am, unless it is a rainy day. What I wouldn’t give for good hard rain right now. Sadly, we rarely get much rain until October, and often not really until November or even December. This is just ash and smoke from the many fires on the West Coast. My boss lives in Southern Oregon, near the California border. She is evacuating her house today. Lots of folks that I know have had to evacuate, but it’s especially hard for her as her husband died last week from cancer. Not fair that she has to now deal with this on top of it all.

    Just ugh. That’s all.

    • J

      Thank you! We are not in any danger yet, but staying inside all of the time gets boring, and of course there is the stress of knowing what is going on as well. Sigh.

  • nance

    J, the fires are astonishing and so tragic. I’m thinking of you and other Californians I know all the time. Poor California!

    And now it’s so much of the West on fire. If it weren’t such a real and terrible tragedy, it would be a metaphor for this year and this country. I’m so sad. This is devastating for you and so, so many.

    • J

      It feels like a metaphor, tragedy and all. Though of course the fires have been going on for several years, they just seem to get earlier and last longer. It’s depressing.