PSA – Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts Troop 6000 is a program designed to help girls living in temporary housing in the New York City shelter system. Each week, Girl Scouts meet in shelters across the city to take part in activities, make friends, earn badges, and learn leadership skills.

Girl Scouts is a wonderful program, and my daughter and many of her friends from Elementary School gained a lot from being able to participate. I am so glad that this troop exists for girls who might not normally have that opportunity.

If you would like to buy some cookies and have them shipped to you, you can do so here. If you don’t want any cookies, or prefer to buy them closer to home, you can still donate to this troop, and either have all of the money go to their fundraising, or have them donate their cookies to NYC food banks. Personally, as the mother of a girl who sold cookies for 10 years, I never need to have another.


    • J

      I love this project too! I used to like GS Cookies, but 10 years of selling them has worn me out. The troop gets something like 50 cents or so per box sold, so nowadays I just give them a cash donation. $5 in cash is worth quite a few boxes!

  • Ally Bean

    Not one girl [or parents of said] approached us this year. Usually Girl Scout Cookie time is a Big Deal in these parts, but no more. However I am pleased to know about this troop. What a wonderful way to help girls feel empowered and living a *normal*

    • J

      Ally, has GS Cookie time finished already there? They haven’t started here yet (guessing this weekend we will see them in front of the stores). The NY troop didn’t start taking orders until March 1st. Seems late this year, I remember it being February in the past.

      • Ally Bean

        GS cookie time is in January here, with delivery in February. At this point it’s a done thing.

    • J

      HA! I hate when that happens. Ted says Botheration, but he says it with a Guyanese accent, so it comes out ‘Bodderation’.