Meme Monday
Sorry for that meme, but yeah, we all feel that way sometimes, right? I saved it for you awhile ago, and was reminded of it while out running errands with Ted the other day, when cut off by someone who then stopped short to turn into a driveway, of course without signaling. Sigh. I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. We did. We went out to Ted’s parents house, just us 3, his parents, and his brother. We worked on being safe and socially distanced, and hopefully none of us had anything to pass around. We’ll see in a few weeks whether that worked or not. Other than the…
Meme Monday
Meme Monday
Mostly just the meme today, since I told you everything that I was going to do over the weekend, and now it’s Monday and I have to work and get things under control there. A few notes… In Stockton yesterday, we stopped to get BLTs for lunch with my Great Aunt, and there was some kind of Christmas festival going on in the shopping center. So we saw some sheriffs deputies on horse back, and Santa on a firetruck. I looked it up later and there were also reindeer to pet, and a snow machine (it was 70 degrees) for the kids. Seems like a really bad idea in the…
Saturday Randomness
I’m sitting here relaxing, listening to a Sade CD (Diamond Life), having a cup of tea and deciding whether to have a piece of pizza for lunch. We’ve been getting takeout once a week to try to keep our local businesses open, and last night was pizza night. (Update – just writing that made the decision for me, and now I have a piece of cold ham and pineapple pizza next to me…I hope we can still be friends) Tomorrow we’re going to Stockton to see my Great Aunt, so I baked some raspberry scones this morning. I think they could have used another minute in the oven, but they…
Grilled Swordfish
Gorgeous photo and recipe found here. The other day, I was making my trusty Lentil Soup recipe, which is from my Ina Garten Barefoot Contessa cookbook. While paging through, I saw a recipe for swordfish with tomato and capers that sounded good, and I thought I might make it. When I went to make a grocery list, however, I was upstairs at my desk, and my cookbook was downstairs, and I googled Ina Garten swordfish, and got this recipe. It looked even better to me than the one in the cookbook, so I decided to make this one instead. The original recipe is by Marcella Hazan, and is almost, but…
Wordless Wednesday – A chilly morning walk
Meme Monday
OK, not really a meme, more just a funny. See how lighthearted we can be when given the chance? I don’t have a lot to say here today, because it’s Monday morning already and it’s 32 degrees outside and I wish I had known it was going to get that cold, I would have covered my avocado plant with a sheet to protect it. I’m having a cup of tea and waiting for the sun to come up a bit so Mulder and I can go for our walk. One nice thing about wearing a mask outside is that it keeps your face a little warmer. That’s a bunch of…
Flashback Friday – Hiking El Capitan
Here is a blurry photo of me taken in 1984, from the top of El Capitan in Yosemite Park. I have a perm, so likely it’s a good thing it’s blurry. We didn’t have digital photos back then, and this is from Rosemary’s point and shoot. You may have seen pictures of people scaling up the face of El Capitan with ropes, but there is a trail that gets you to the peak that you can do in a few hours, without ropes and so on, and this site has great pictures and a description of the hike. This is El Capitan. If you climb up the face, the ‘nose…
Wordless Wednesday
Meme Monday – Weird Junk Food Version
I can’t even with the election tomorrow, I’m afraid I will grind through my mouth guard if I get any more stressed out about it. So I’m taking a deep breath and showing you some food products that I have seen (mostly) at the grocery store. I was at the drugstore the other day, and I spotted these very strange Apple Pie flavored KitKats. I don’t really like white chocolate, and the entire idea of this makes me want to throw up a bit, so no. But I took a picture for Ted, who loved KitKats back when his body still tolerated such things, especially the ones from England. Then…
Wordless Wednesday – Cute Ghosts
Red Lentil Soup with Warm Spices
I came accross this recipe on Facebook, because I follow Cooks Illustrated. I saved it and waited for the right day, and happily, that day finally came with the cooler weather. The soup is delicious and warm and has lovely flavors. We had it 3 different ways…I had the soup with some sourdough bread, Ted is low carb, so had his with some chicken in the bottom of the bowl, and Maya is vegetarian (mostly, she eats a bit of fish), and she had hers over some fake chicken with some sourdough bread. We all liked it a lot, though Maya didn’t use the mint/paprika/butter at the end. Beautiful photo…
Meme Monday
I guess we’re not in quarantine anymore, based on the fact that my daughter is going in to the office, and restaurants are open (25% capacity for indoor dining), so likely I waited too long to use this meme. However, who knows, at the rate we’re going, perhaps we’re going to be shut down again. This time it’s the Midwest that’s under attack from the virus, where both of my readers live, so gosh you NE Ohio people, keep being careful! I don’t actually worry about you too much, I know you’re both very sensible. I don’t know what else to say other than why can’t we get our act…
Wordless Wednesday