Meme Monday – Books!

YOU GUYS, guess what we did yesterday? We went to a bookstore! An actual locally owned and operated bookstore! And we browsed around, and bought a couple of books. It was glorious. After that, we went to the hardware store to buy some hardware store type things, which was a little more crowded and not so much to our liking, but we got our things and left. But the bookstore! SO GREAT!

Speaking of which, I have more books in my TBR pile than I know what to do with. I have books that I received as Christmas and birthday gifts. I have books that I got through the local ‘buy nothing’ group. I have books awaiting me on my phone, via Audible. This is a GOOD PROBLEM TO HAVE. I’m not really into the deep reading zone that sometimes overtakes me, I spend more time watching TV or mindlessly playing games on my iPad or looking at Facebook. Or working, cooking, doing laundry, walking the dog, hanging out with Ted and Maya. So not a lot of reading getting done. But it does feel good to have a lot of options right there ready for me.

Maya’s birthday is coming up soon, and Ted and I each bought her a book at the local bookstore. Mine was an old favorite of mine, ‘Remains of the Day’, and Ted’s was something he saw that he thought sounded like it might be something she would like. Being an English major in college kind of sucked the reading out of her for awhile, she was so overwhelmed with books and papers and so on, that now that she her time is her own, she is more into podcasts and video games right now. Hopefully she’ll get her reading mojo back at some point.

So tell me…are you reading anything that you are loving right now? Anything that I should add to my pile?


  • Martha

    Yay for a visit to a real bookstore. Having too many books to read is definitely a good problem to have! Having my Instagram bookshop, I always have tons to chose from. I was in my deep reading zone at the beginning of last year, but once the pandemic came along I couldn’t focus even a little bit. I haven’t picked up a book to read since. I will probably do a reading challenge for one of my 30 day challenges at some point this year to get back in the zone. 🙂

    • J

      Martha, I find reading challenges to be really helpful in getting me motivated. At least I did back when I participated in reading challenges! One genre that really surprised me was graphic novels. I am not a comic book person, and kind of lump them in together. I did a challenge for those, and I loved the ones I picked. Really eye opening.

  • nance

    I haven’t been to a bookstore in eons. There isn’t one close by; I have to drive almost half an hour to get to one, and the parking is a nightmare. So, Amazon is my local bookstore.

    I love, love, loved Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell. After I read it, I had to wait a while to read again. I needed a palate cleanser–something totally different–before I could move on. So picked up Calypso by David Sedaris and reread that. Another wonderful book in a completely opposite realm. Now I’m searching for a book myself. I have a couple languishing in my cart, waiting for me to press the Checkout button.

    • J

      Nance, I also loved Hamnet…I may re-read it actually, but perhaps I will wait until I get through at least a few of the current books…

  • Danielle Zecher

    I am so looking forward to being able to go to a bookstore, or even aimlessly browsing the library. I’m currently reading the last of the Rose Gardner Investigations series by Denise Grover Swank. It’s a great series. I hadn’t been reading much for a while, but I’m averaging two or three a week with these. They’re a spinoff from another series. The first one is call “Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes. I highly recommend them.

    • J

      Thanks for the suggestion, I will check them out! Yes, I miss browsing the library as well. It was SO GREAT to go to the bookstore last week, and they had great precautions…sanitizer at the door, masks required, and only 5 customers allowed in the store at a time. There was only once when someone had to wait, though, and that wasn’t long, as someone else was paying and ready to leave, so I didn’t feel bad about taking our time.