Catching Up….
I’m not sure if you will be able to see this video or not…it shows for me. It’s just the view from the house where we stayed last weekend, and the delicious rain outside…not so delightful to those of you not in the midst of a drought. But delightful for me to be sure. It’s been a busy time around here. Or not around here, actually. Last weekend we flew up to Portland to see my family, and also to scatter my father’s ashes, as was his wish. I was simultaneously looking forward to and dreading the trip. So do I tell you about it sequentially, or start with the…
Wordless Wednesday – Instagram Translation Fail
Meme Monday
I haven’t found a way to weave this meme in with the content below, but it speaks to me. This weekend was another of easing back into normal. Saturday, I got my hair done. I’ve been pretty comfortable getting my hair done during the pandemic, ever since I heard of a study done on two hairdressers who both tested positive for COVID, and had been seeing a lot of clients (I think maybe they worked at a Supercuts or something like that), and they did not pass it on to a single client. They were able to do really thorough contact tracing and no one got sick. Thanks to masks.…
Friday Randomness
Today’s post is one of those potpourri type posts, where I have some ideas, but haven’t gotten around to putting them in their own blog posts, so I am going to lump them all together. Ted and Maya were away last week. Ted’s aunt, who lives in Salt Lake City, had a stroke last year. His mom wanted to go visit her, but of course she could not, due to COVID restrictions. Earlier this year, his mom fell and fractured her foot. It is mostly healed now, but Ted and his brother weren’t thrilled with the idea of her traveling alone. She is nearing her mid-80s, and is extremely active,…
J’s Chicken Milanese
Last year, I posted a recipe for avocado and grapefruit salad, which is refreshing and delicious. I’ve messed with the recipe a bit (OK, not the same at all really) and made it into a light meal, basically a Chicken Milanese. I’ve made it with both grapefruit and orange, and both are wonderful. Here’s my version, with oranges. J’s Chicken Milanese Ingredients 4 large navel oranges 2 or 3 avocados, depending on how much you like avocados and how big they are 1 package baby arugula (I don’t know how many oz those little bags are…5?) 1 lb chicken breast, sliced or pounded thin into 4 cutlets. One of our…
Wordless Wednesday – Bath time edition
Wordless Wednesday
Savory Oatmeal
My grandma used to make me delicious oatmeal, with butter, milk, and brown sugar. Sometimes my mom would make it similarly, and throw raisins in as well. I like oatmeal, but have only had it sweetened, either with brown sugar, or in my middle aged years, seasonal fruit, usually raspberries and blueberries, add a banana if I’m very hungry. I’ve seen people rave about oatmeal with banana and peanut butter, and I tried it once, but it wasn’t really for me. Then Nance posted about eggs in her alphabetical post series, and a discussion ensued about savory oatmeal in the comments. I adore eggs, I like oatmeal, and it seems…
Meme Monday – Snaily Edition
Again, I am using a cartoon instead of a meme. Is that wrong of me? I don’t know. When I was 9 or 10, I was playing outside on the lawn, when I stepped on something that went kind of crunch. I didn’t step hard, but hard enough to hear and feel it before pulling my foot back. My brother said that it was probably a snail, and that I had cracked its shell. I was horrified, and went inside to ask my mom what happens when you step on a snail and crack their shell. She said she thought they died. Wrong answer. I was a sensitive, tender hearted…
Bonus Meme – because this will hopefully not be a thing anymore by Monday
And why not, here’s another….
Meme Monday
(No) Meme Monday – Happy Birthday Ted!
Today is Ted’s Birthday! We had a wonderful weekend….Saturday some vaccinated friends had us over for a very small (there were 4 of us) get together, and gosh it felt great to not wear our masks and be around people and see their faces for a change. They made Ted a special birthday treat that was low carb, no sugar, no dairy, so he got to have some sweet for a change. We watched the Kentucky Derby, and for once I actually bet online, which was a mistake because I lost. It was a great day. Then yesterday, we had another small get together with vaccinated family, just the same…
My New Years resolution this year was to eat more pancakes. I didn’t set a goal or a number of pancakes that I had to eat. Just more than last year. In 2020, I probably had pancakes two or three times, so it was not a difficult resolution to keep. I remember when we were first married, and when we lived in Philadelphia, we used to have pancakes every Saturday. It was a fun tradition, aided by Aunt Jemima and Mrs Buttersworth. I remember when I was pregnant, late 2nd trimester, and being so hungry…I gobbled down my pancakes, and then I eyed Ted’s pancakes and he sighed and gave…
Wordless Wednesday
Meme Monday – A Saturday Morning Walk
I didn’t ride through the desert, but I did drive to my old hometown last weekend to take my Great Aunt for her second dose of vaccine. I haven’t spent much time with her since COVID began, for obvious reasons, and it was really nice to have some time together. I spent the night with her, since I’m fully vaccinated, and I wanted to spend the night with her just in case she had any side effects. I didn’t like the idea of her having a fever or aches in the middle of the night, and being all alone. Happily, she had zero side effects. No fever, no aches, no…