N is for No (thank you)

Today’s post is a lazy Sunday post. Not a lot of effort. Here’s some food items that lots of people like, but when offered to me, I will say, “no, thank you.” At least, I’m working on it. I have been known to be rude and make a face and say ‘ewww’, which would be a little more acceptable if I were 5, but at this point, not so much.

  • Nutella
  • Bok Choy
  • Mangoes
  • Chorizo (I’m very guilty of the ‘eww’ on this one. Working on it.)
  • Deep fried gizzards (That’s kind of a joke…I was driving and could not stop to take a picture, but while driving to visit my Great Aunt yesterday, I passed a ‘restaurant’ (across the street from a gas station, $4.95 a gallon) that had a big sign out front that said, “Deep Fried Gizzards”, like that was a good thing.)
  • Whisky
  • Sweet wines
  • Yellow squash
  • Liver (OK, a lot of people don’t like this one)

How about you? What do those around you like, but you don’t care for?


  • Ally Bean

    Not a fan of okra, green or red or yellow peppers, diet sodas of any kind, and tiramisu. Those are the ones that come to mind, I’m sure there are more.

    • J

      I’m ambivalent on okra, maybe it’s OK, not sure. I’m with you on tiramisu, which is weird because I like all of the components. Also not a fan of English Trifle.

  • nance

    No thank you to Nutella? Is this because of its vast Unhealthiness, or do you really dislike the taste? I no longer buy it because of how terrible it is for you, but I do not eschew it entirely. It’s still delicious to me.

    I like everything on your No Thank You List except whiskey and sweet wines, unless it is a wine like ice wine served for dessert.

    My No Thank You List includes okra, salmon, oaked chardonnay (migraine-inducing), malbec, mint ice cream, most things with bacon on or in them (because then they taste only of bacon), and coconut. Oh, and blueberries.

    I’d eat tiramisu if it were put in front of me, but I’d never order it for myself.

    Gosh, I guess I’m pickier than I thought.

    • J

      Nance, I am not a fan of Nutella. I don’t really care for hazelnuts, so that’s a problem. I used to buy it for Maya, but she doesn’t really eat it anymore. When she was little they had a music teacher who was from Belgium, and would sometimes bring them crepes with Nutella. I think she still has a fondness for that.

      I like everything on your No Thank You list, though I am not sure on okra. I haven’t had it often enough to really have an opinion. Bacon can certainly have an overpowering taste, and I don’t really want it where it doesn’t belong. It belongs in BLTs or Club Sandwiches, on a burger, a Cobb Salad, or with eggs. I don’t really want it anywhere else.

      I might have a taste of someone else’s tiramisu to see if I still dislike it, but generally when that happens I discover that yes, I still dislike it.

      I should add trifle to my list. I’ve seen more American versions that I think might be good, with berries and cream, no jello, no canned fruit. But the authentic British version that Ted’s family loves? No thank you.

    • J

      I don’t hear of many folks liking liver, though at one time I worked at a restaurant that served liver and onions on Sunday afternoons, and people came in for it.