O is for….

I’m stretching on this one. What the heck should I write about? I’m not going to write about any of the O adjectives above. I’m not going to write about ‘O’, the Oprah Magazine. I’m not going to write about Origami.

Maybe a little bit about origami…when I was a baby my mom couldn’t afford a mobile to put over my crib, so she made one of origami cranes, which is an idea that I love. I should have done that for Maya, it would have been much cooler than the cute one we bought for her, but the one we bought would play music and go in circles to distract the baby. Whatever. Origami would have been cooler. I imagine maybe it looked like the one above.

What other O words…Oysters. Do you like oysters? I love them, and my favorite way to eat them is on the half shell. When we were in Maui, we had a happy hour meal that included a dozen oysters, and they tasted like the ocean. Well, not really, because I did get a mouthful or two of ocean while I was there, and it was not pleasant. But oysters are delicious and make me think of the ocean.

Ocean. I love the ocean, and every restaurant we went to in Maui was on the ocean, meaning beautiful views. I love that in a restaurant. I like that we live close enough to the ocean that we can get there when we want to, but it’s certainly a drive, and it’s cold and windy and dangerous with huge waves. The ocean in Hawaii is warm and inviting and heavenly. I think everyone should enjoy that experience at least once, if possible. I love floating on my back in the ocean. If I couldn’t swim, I would still enjoy putting my feet in the warm soothing ocean.

Omelettes – I adore omelettes. I eat some version of one at least once a week. Mostly I make mine with sautéed mushrooms, tomatoes, green onions, spinach, and a little Parmesan cheese. If I’m really lucky, we have bacon in the house, and I add that. I’m not lucky very often because what ends up happening is I buy a pound of bacon, and I use a little of it, and the rest spoils. No one else eats it. There are solutions, I can buy a half pound, and cook it all at once, and just keep it in the fridge until I need it. I feel like it’s bad for me, so I try to not eat it often. I think maybe I’ll get some soon. Or maybe I’ll make the mushroom and chive omelette from the New York Times, pictured above.

Oak trees. Around here, we mostly have what are called Valley Oaks. I adore them. I tried to take a picture of some that are nearby, that have gotten the most horrible pruning…like the tree above, the electrical wires are in and among the branches, which is never a good idea, but as things here have gotten drier and drier, it is even less of a good idea, as it can cause fires in a wind storm. My picture didn’t come out very well. Perhaps I’ll try again and update for you.

Orange. I have an affinity for the color orange, as it was the favorite color of both of my parents. My mom was specific, burnt orange. My dad was more general, and I think liked the brighter shades. Mostly it makes me think of my dad, but really, it’s good for both of them.

How about you? Do you have any favorite O words? Octopus? Occult? Do tell.


  • Ally Bean

    You’ve done the letter ‘O’ proud here. My favorite ‘O’ words are: organize, okapi, and like you, orange. I guess if I could get an okapi to organize some oranges I’d be optimizing an opportunity!

  • nance

    I just had a half dozen gorgeous raw oysters Saturday night in southern Maryland, where Rick and I took off for a few days to visit some friends. They were huge and lovely, and so delicious. I had them with a squeeze of lemon and a bit of horseradish; a few I had with some mignonette sauce.

    I’m a fan of the word Obstreperous. It’s not used very often, even by me. It’s like the word Penultimate, another cool word that I like and have little occasion to use.

    I have an orange couch in my lakehouse–a sort of terra cotta shade–and I love it. As soon as I saw it in the furniture store, I had to have it. Orange is a beautiful colour, especially in nature, but difficult to do well otherwise without looking cheap or bawdy.

    • J

      I think we need to go out to dinner soon…so we can order some oysters. I’m not so inclined to have them at home, they’re too much work. Yum. Maybe I’ll find a place with a good $1 oyster special for Happy Hour.

      Obstreperous is a great word, and I think I could use it for Mulder sometimes. Though he does really TRY to behave when we ask him, he struggles mightily.

      Remember how much orange there was in the late 70s? Along with avocado…furniture, decor, clothing. I wonder if it will come back? My parents must have been in heaven.

  • Joared

    I really like the O choices and photos you’ve chosen.
    I haven’t thought about O words but what comes to mind is obsolete as so much becomes so quickly any more it seems.

    • J

      I really hate planned obsolescence…I want the things I buy to last forever, which is ridiculous when you’re considering a computer, as with technology what we expect it to be able to do, the programs we expect it to run, changes so rapidly. But a fridge or a stove, those should just last I think. Frustrating.