Meme Monday – COVID Edition

“They were careless people…they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

~ F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Frankly, I’m surprised that it took this long for Trump and his cronies to catch COVID. How did they prevent him from getting it for so long? I can only assume that there are some people in the White House that actually believe in science and have done their best to force him to be safe. Eventually his bravado and jack-assary got the better of him, and he finally got infected. I certainly don’t want him to die, but I hope it hurts. The number of people who have died (alone), lost their businesses, lost their jobs, lost their health, because he has refused to take this seriously, has resisted taking it seriously, has mocked people who take it seriously…The fact that this disease is far from finished playing havoc with us and many more people are going to die and suffer and go bankrupt, all of that shreds any bit of empathy I might have for what he is going through.

So yeah, I hope he suffers.

Update: I wrote this before the drive around the hospital, which makes the quote even more apt. Selfish jackass.


  • nance

    This quote has been rattling around in my head for years now. So apt. And the book itself, set in The Gilded Age, is a perfect thematic read for these times. History truly does repeat itself.

  • Ally Bean

    I like the quote and feel it deep in my bones. So tired of all this nonsense all the time. Funny about when you posted this. Selfish jackass seems like a kind way to describe him.

  • J

    It’s exhausting, isn’t it? And hard to believe how much worse it has gotten since I wrote this, and even since it published yesterday. What the hell is he thinking, telling people (again) that COVID is nothing to worry about, even after what he has been through? No one else has access to the care that he has gotten, we’re creeping up on a death count greater than all four years of the Civil War at this point, and that’s just known cases. God, he’s such an ass. I really hate him.