Meme Monday

I’ll probably dive down into the depths of the shit storm of 2020 next week, but for now, wanted to lighten up a bit. So, here it is…

We had a lovely weekend. Saturday was errands, including Bed Bath and Beyond, because our electric kettle broke. Ted got a new cookbook, Indian-ish, and made us a delicious dinner. He’s been watching the author’s videos on YouTube, and really likes her. She worked for Bon Appetit for awhile, and made some videos of recipes for them. She mostly seems to credit her mother’s recipes, which as a mother, I like. It’s Indian fusion, and so far really good. We’ve had a chicken recipe, a fish recipe, and a vegetarian recipe. The vegetarian recipe is for a roasted aloo gobi (potato and cauliflower) that is kick ass and believe it or not, I would say, make it with more cauliflower, less potato. So stinking good.

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, and we celebrated with a turkey dinner yesterday. For just the 3 of us, that means turkey, fake turkey (Maya is semi-vegetarian, meaning she had some gravy, but no turkey, and she does eat fish, esp sushi), candied yams, peas, rolls, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. And wine. We had a nice Merlot.

Leading up to the dinner, happily, I got the cleaning bug. I am generally the first one up in the mornings, and yesterday I became fixated on how gross our kitchen is. The last owners of our home painted the cabinets, and they didn’t do it right, and then we painted them ourselves, and we also didn’t do it right…we painted them with a semi gloss, and felt like that was good enough, but apparently we should have sealed it or something so the doors wouldn’t get so dirty. But we didn’t. So they get dirty, and it’s difficult to get them clean, and so I get frustrated and give up. And then eventually I get around to trying again. Yesterday was that day. Do they look good? No. Do they look a lot better? Absolutely. Maybe someday we’ll be willing to shell out to either:

  1. Replace our cabinets and get beautiful cabinets and drawers with pull outs and so on. Sigh. My favorite option.
  2. Resurface our current cabinets, which I think means new doors and some paint elsewhere. That would be pretty good.
  3. Have the current situation professionally painted. Honestly, I’m not sure this would be cheaper than option 2, but I have done zero research. Basing it on what we paid for the paint after our flooding crap a couple of years ago.*
  4. Paint them again ourselves. HELL NO. Nightmare, and doesn’t fix anything.

After washing the cabinets, I moved on to trying to de clutter our very cluttered counters, and boy, I feel so much better now. Nothing so great as a clean house. Ready for the week.

* OMG, I don’t know if you remember the plumbing disaster of 2018…we had a leak under our kitchen. They came in and jackhammered through our floor, fixed the leak, only to have it start leaking again maybe 7 inches further down…then they re-piped our house, going through our living room, bathroom, and kitchen cabinets. Lots of damage. We had no say in any of it, it’s all up to the homeowners association, but we were on the hook for the flooring in the kitchen (still a hole, covered by a kitchen rug), the paint, etc. What a pain in the ass. And the NEWS is that our neighbor just got the same leak in her place…and because the person that came out to work on her place is more experienced (same company), they DID ALL OF THE REPAIRS OUTSIDE. PIPES ALONG THE OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE. So she SUFFERED ZERO torn up walls, torn up floors, torn up cabinets, paint issues, on and on and on. Am I envious? ABSOLUTELY. But also, glad that she doesn’t have to go through what we went through, and hoping that the repairs she got are the model going forward, because our pipes are old and the pipes of our neighbors are exactly the same age. Blah.

That’s it for now. I hope you’re well.


  • nance

    Yes, I am well and, really, not a whore. LOL LOL!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Did anyone play the sitar I think I see near the table?

    I wish there were some game show or decorating show that you could be on that would fix up your kitchen so that it were not a constant reminder of A) the pipe debacle; and B) the paint failure. Your kitchen sounds like it needs to be saged. Or something.

    Have a good week. With wine!

    • J

      Nance, that meme made me lol too. HA!

      That’s Ted’s electric guitar, but he doesn’t plug it in to anything so it’s pretty quiet. He works at our kitchen table and has down time when he’s not on the air, and likes to practice. That’s why it’s in our dining room.

      Yeah, I think we need the Queer Eye guys to come fix our kitchen cabinets. I say them because of all of the reality shows I’ve seen, they seem to be the ones that do not cheap out on how much it costs, they get things done right. There’s no way I would want to go through the hell of having our kitchen torn up for it to be another mistake.

  • Ally Bean

    Who you calling a whore? Funny meme. We are all so easily led, aren’t we?

    We had ugly cabinets in our bathroom, so we painted them. At first they looked great, but then began to chip and get dull smudges on them. Not pretty. Eventually we got new cabinets that are better quality and it’s made a big difference in how happy we are. It’s a small [expensive] change but I’m glad we did. We made our decision based on how much longer we plan to live here, and in that context the numbers made sense.

    • J

      Yes, I wish we had made the change to new cabinets 10 years ago, since we’ve been here so long. But new cabinets in the kitchen are pretty expensive, sadly. Sigh. A girl can dream. And yeah, the issue is smudges and chips and so on.

  • Ted

    We could probably get someone to repaint the cabinets, but they are old (and cheaply made), so it would be better to get new ones. But that’s a major installation project, and there’s no way I can work at the kitchen table (or the house) while the install is happening. 🙂