Friday Poll

I’m stealing this one from Gina…she likes to do Friday Polls, and I’m jumping in. But I honestly want some advice here, which she sometimes does, sometimes doesn’t…

I was talking to my mom last weekend, and she told me two interesting things that I have yet to test, and I’m not sure when I will be able…

1. A great cure for PMS? Chocolate covered potato chips. I wonder, does this work equally well for chocolate covered pretzels, or do you need the potato and deep fried fattiness of it to make it work? Because I don’t think I’ve ever SEEN chocolate covered potato chips.

2. A great cure for cramps? Miso soup. This makes sense, because of the nice warminess of it, and the nice tofu/soyness of it.

Now, TMI. Since I had Maya back 11 years ago, and went back on the pill, my cycle is irregular and mild enough that I rarely suffer from either PMS or cramps. But it occurs to me that someone in this house (not Py, don’t worry) may be a sufferer in the next year or so, and if she is, any weapons I can use would be very handy.

So, ladies (and gents if you know of a cure second hand), what are your sure fire cures for PMS and cramps? Anyone? Has anyone other than my mom tried the above cures? (Not that I don’t trust her word, just that I’d be interested in hearing whether they work for many people, or just a few…)


  • Beenzzz

    Hmmm…I don’t know about the miso soup and chocolate covered potato chip thing. I do know that for me, salt, greasy foods, and overly sweet stuff makes the pms and the cramping a hell of a lot worse. Really, I think a low sodium, lots of water thing might work best. I hope that certain someone (and my certain someone) doesn’t suffer in a year or so. Where did the time go!!!???

  • Tabitha

    I’ve heard that a combination of taking calcium and magnesium helps with “the” symptoms….but that it, like most vitamins/minerals, has to build up for a month or two before it is effective.
    And exercise….I notice that when I am mountain biking regularly (or any other physical exercise) my symptoms and cramping is reduced.
    Good luck with this one!

    Mmmmmmm. Miso soup. Yes, that is sooo comforting.

  • Shelliza

    I’m a sucker for anything that helps PMS. Water helps me get rid of the bloating and exercise has done wonders. When I’m running I usually skip a month or two and when it does return, the symptoms aren’t as bad.
    Miso soup, huh? I’ll have to try that.

  • Autumn's Mom

    I don’t know that there is any solid advice out there. And we are all different so that makes it harder to pin point doesn’t it? I can tell you that I have severe cramps (last month I thought I was berthing a calf) but my daughter says she doesn’t. What little reading I’ve done, says Calcium and Vitamin D help the symptoms. So maybe load her up on chocolate covered chips and a big tall glass of milk.

  • Gina

    Dang, I knew I should have copyrighted the Friday Poll! 😉

    I am going to have to stand up for the so-far maligned chocolate covered pretzel. Certain people, when PMS’ing, have food cravings, and that includes my sister and myself. And even though I am too old and fat to eat them anymore, there is something heavenly about the combination of salt, crunch and chocolate that just hits the spot.

    Trader Joe’s has some that kick ass.

  • Cherry

    I have hellish cramps. I didn’t have any cramps as a teenager thankfully, but they are progressivly getting worse. Due in part to fibroids, and partly to hiredity.

    My OB/GYN recommends Omega 3’s to help with all symptoms of PMS.

    I personally find that water and regular exercise are my real tricks to reduce the level of pain and duration. 3 Tylenol every few hours is also handy! I think I’ll have some now!

  • kookiejar

    Chocolate covered potato chips are good for whatever ails ya.

    When I have cramps, the only thing that helps is a huge mug of coffee, a couple aspirin and my heating pad over my tummy.

  • dew

    I don’t know that there’s an actual CURE, but there are certainly things that help some.

    A hot bath helps with cramps. So does a heating pad or hot water bottle.

    I always crave chocolate during pms, but I don’t know that it helps matters any. Exercise definitely helps, especially swimming. Getting enough sleep.

  • Ml

    I want a Red Tent! I’m sure that would take care of all my problems 🙂

    Actually, I’ve heard the same as Tabitha – calcium and magnesium helps.