
  • Current Situation

    Today is my Fabulous Friday, which was supposed to be spent with my friend Neva, trying out a new pasta place downtown, drinking some wine, walking and talking and catching up. Then Ted started feeling poorly, and took a COVID test on Wednesday. You can tell by my tone that he tested positive. Sigh. Neva’s son is high risk for lung issues, and has been hospitalized a couple of times with COVID, and we are trying to avoid that happening again. So we have postponed, we’ll get together in a few weeks instead. At times like these, I wish we had a guest bedroom. As it is, Ted is wearing…

  • PSA – Girl Scouts

    Girl Scouts Troop 6000 is a program designed to help girls living in temporary housing in the New York City shelter system. Each week, Girl Scouts meet in shelters across the city to take part in activities, make friends, earn badges, and learn leadership skills. Girl Scouts is a wonderful program, and my daughter and many of her friends from Elementary School gained a lot from being able to participate. I am so glad that this troop exists for girls who might not normally have that opportunity. If you would like to buy some cookies and have them shipped to you, you can do so here. If you don’t want…

  • Catching Up

    It looks like I took a little blog break there. I’m back today, and have a few minor tidbits to share. First off, this is the same beautiful magnolia/tulip tree that I shared with you a couple of weeks ago. It’s downtown, and likely the next time I walk around the area, it will be bare. We’re having rain again, after a very dry period, which is welcome, but I imagine will knock down most of these blooms. Saturday morning, Maya had an appointment to get her hair done. I dropped her off and then walked around our little downtown for awhile. I like to explore, and went down a…

  • Miscellaneous Monday

    I don’t know what to write about today, so I’m going to just throw a bunch of stuff at you. Here goes. Regarding the meme above, this is how I felt when we were in France last year. The names of the towns we stayed in were pronounced completely differently than they looked to my American eyes. Mougins is pronounced ‘MOO-jan‘ with a soft j, short a, and a soft n. Click the link to hear. Vincennes is a little closer to how it looks, VA-sen, with a short A. One of the stops on our train ride between Paris and Vincennes is Nation, pronounced NA-si-on, with all short vowels.…

  • Intention vs. Accountability

    There are things that I intend to do, or not do, but then things fall apart when faced with reality, and I fail on my intention. I have an ongoing issue with my love for potato chips. I do not intend to eat them practically every day. I don’t keep them in the house, usually, because if they are here I will eat them. Especially if they are Salt and Vinegar Kettle Chips, or sometimes, Doritos. So I start out my day just fine, but then I go to the grocery store on my lunch hour, and I get to the check out line, and there they are. Somehow, magically,…

  • Thursday 13 – Boob Tube Edition

    We watch a lot of TV around here. Many weeknights see us plopped down in front of the boob tube watching reruns of something or another (Currently it’s ‘The Office’, though we are almost finished) while we have dinner. We used to eat at the table, and sometimes we still do, but most nights we don’t. Who knows why. After dinner, Maya does the dishes and then goes upstairs to get ready for bed. She gets up early on workdays, and likes a good 9 hours of sleep if she can manage it. Ted and I stay up for a couple more hours, and watch TV or, once in awhile,…

  • Meatless Monday – Kidney Bean Curry and Spiced Cauliflower

    This morning, I was deciding what to make for tonight’s dinner, and I landed on a delicious Kidney Bean Curry via Smitten Kitchen that I first wrote about here. It’s really good, and we haven’t had it in awhile. In the recipe on Smitten Kitchen, she referenced a recipe for Aloo Gobi, which is another dish that I really like. With Ted being low carb, I had a thought, which was, what would happen if I made the Aloo Gobi sans Aloo? In other words, spiced cauliflower and potatoes, without the potatoes? Worth a try. I made some microwave jasmine rice to go with it, for me and Maya. Here…

  • Morning Walk

    Just a quick post tonight, Ted is making dinner (Dungeness crab, caught by a friend’s fisherman son yesterday, fresh fresh fresh) and then we will be watching Maya’s new zombie show, The Last of Us. Here are some photos from an early morning walk Mulder and I took recently. Actually, looking at the photos, I can see that I cheated, these are not all from the same walk. Pretend you don’t notice that the leash in the last photo is different than the leash in the first photo. The picture above is the sun coming up behind Mt. Diablo, and Mulder looking handsome near the little lake in our nearby…

  • Grandma’s 100th Birthday

    This is my Grandma Ward, on the left, and her sister, my Great Aunt Flo, on the right. Had she lived, today would have been Grandma’s 100th birthday. I wrote about her here when she died. She had a long life, full of adventures (as she put it), travel, and a lot of loss. She outlived both of her husbands and all four of her children. She and my Aunt Flo were best friends, born 16 months apart. They lived together for the last almost 30 years of Grandma’s life…and for at least the last 15, Aunt Flo was Grandma’s caretaker, as Grandma’s health was not great, and Aunt Flo…

  • Sunday Musings – What the Hell is Wrong with Me?

    This is the outlook on my weather app. It’s Sunday morning as I write this, and it’s raining right now. We’re going to get a break for a few hours, in which time we will take Mulder for his walk. It is going to start again this evening, and we have a storm tomorrow. Then it is supposed to calm down, no more rain in the forecast for the next 10 days at least. Which I will admit, stresses me out. I mean, I WANT IT TO DRY OUT, but at the same time, if this is IT for the year and we don’t get any more rain (it has…

  • Water Water Everywhere…

    I know I talk a lot here about how much I love rain, how tired I am of drought, how much I worry when we have a long, dry winter. If you’ve been watching the news, though, you will see that California is getting too much of a good thing right now. (I guess it’s almost impossible to make a Californian happy about the amount of rain we get…I read an article today that talked about how all of this rain will mean a good year for us, maybe, if it doesn’t all stop soon, but it won’t reverse a lot of the damage that has already been done. We…

  • Half-Assing It

    I’m not much of a ‘New Years Resolution’ type person, with a couple of exceptions. One year I resolved to eat more pancakes. Since I rarely eat pancakes, that was an easy one. Another year I resolved to floss my teeth more. Actually, that was a resolution MANY years running, until it finally stuck and now I floss my teeth semi-regularly. I’ve seen a lot of posts where blog friends are very organized and planning how many books they are going to read, date nights, etc. I don’t really track that sort of stuff, so I wouldn’t really enjoy that, I don’t think. I have, however, decided to make some…

  • Birthday Gifts

    I received quite a few lovely birthday gifts, including the lovely necklace in my previous post. (Did I mention it was made in France? I didn’t buy it there, but loved that detail.) Among my favorite gifts were the flowers above, a new iPad and keyboard(!!!), and some lovely earrings. Flowers – I always thought my favorite flowers were tulips, until I discovered peonies. Now I go back and forth. And gerbera daisies are just so joyful! I love them all. iPad/keyboard – My old iPad Mini was from 2015, and was showing its age. I’m a grouch and want anything I buy to be perfect and last forever, but…

  • Rainy Day Thoughts

    It’s early on Saturday, and I’m sitting downstairs with a cup of tea and the back door open, because it’s not cold and I love to listen to the sound of the rain. Once anyone else wakes up, I will have to close the door because it will be too cold for Ted and Maya (I do have my robe and slippers on), but I’ve been here for almost 2 hours and I’m loving every minute of it. Mulder just came downstairs about an hour ago, and he refuses to go outside and have a pee. Not sure how long he intends to hold it, but I guess time will…