• Get Outta Town and Don’t Come Back Until You Have $5!*

    First I found out that Ms. Mamma nominated me for several Best Blogger awards, for which I would kiss her if only she didn’t live so far away, but now, on top of that, Gina told me I won a Top 100 Mom Blog Award, something I didn’t even know existed! Color me thrilled! I’m all atwitter! Pardon me, while I go find a needle or something, because my head is swollen WAY out of proportion, like a big conceited balloon or something, and it clearly needs a little popping! Thanks to whomever nominated me for this one! *I know you’re thinking, “Huh, what does THAT mean?” That’s just something…

  • Wow…

    Coolio! Ms Mamma went in and nominated me for four, count them, FOUR blogger’s choice awards! She got me for Best Blog About Blogging, Best Parenting Blog, Best Pop Culture Blog, and Best Blogging Host (I’m not really a host, though, so I think she was just excited.) I’m a bit confused that there’s a little tag there that says, Adult Content. Do I get racy from time to time? Gosh, I TRY not to…I mean, my MOTHER reads this! Then again, she IS an adult, and she could handle it…wait, my DAUGHTER reads this, and she isn’t. Yet. So I’m not sure about that. Anyway. Thank you Ms Mamma!…

  • Happy Friday the 13th!

    Many people consider Friday the 13th to be a very unlucky day, the kind of day when it’s probably best to stay home with your head under the pillow.  Well, maybe not UNDER, because then, being Friday the 13th, you would probably suffocate. In my family, however, Friday the 13th is considered to be a lucky day.  Perhaps we’re rebels, or perhaps we’re demon spawn, which puts us at odds with everyone else, but regardless of these possibilities, we do.  The reason that Friday the 13th is a lucky day dates back to when I was in the 5th grade.  Back then, in the days before direct deposit and so…

  • Fat

    I watched a show on PBS last night called, “Fat: What No One is Telling You“.  I thought it was a pretty interesting show, and one that many people might have a few things to teach many of us.  From the website: FAT: What No One Is Telling You explores the myriad psychological, physiological and environmental factors that can make it so tough to shed pounds and keep them off. In this documentary, Executive producer Naomi Boak and producer/director Tom Spain, both Emmy Award honorees, share new scientific knowledge about hunger, eating, and human metabolic operation. This film also explains our psychological responses to food, and shows how external pressures…

  • Oh crap…

    Curses to Cherry and Big Sis, because they both told me how awesomely good these little suckers are.  So, in a fit of salty craving, off I went to Bev Mo, and I bought a bag of Spicy Thai Kettle Chips.  And then I ate it.  Yes, the whole bag.  Part before dinner, as a snack, and part after dinner, as another snack.  I don’t need anyone to tell me that an entire bag of chips is more than a snack.  Kettle Chips bags aren’t as big as Ruffles or Lays or anything, but still….a whole bag.  Oh.My.God. They’re that good.  Better than Cheetos. Chee informed me that they have a…

  • I couldn’t resist…

    You Are the Middle Finger A bit fragile and dependent on your friends, you’re not nearly as hostile as you seem. You are balanced, easy to get along with, and quite serious. However, you can get angry and fed up with those around you. And you aren’t afraid to show it!You get along well with: The Index FingerStay away from: The Pinky What Finger Are You? And then, because I’m kinda slammed at work right now, and taking 2 minutes from my day to take a stupid quiz is actually kinda nice once in awhile, here’s one more: You Are Bart Simpson Very misunderstood, most people just dismiss you as…

  • House Flipping…

    One reason I STILL haven’t finished Madame Bovary is that I’ve been ignoring poor Emma in favor of TLC. My latest addiction, after Take Home Chef and What Not to Wear, is Flip That House. I enjoy watching them tear a place apart and put it back together, and find out how much they’re going to make on it…which is always a lot of money considering the amount of time they put into the deal. Like maybe $80k in two months. Nice, huh? Yeah, I’m a big loser failure in that department, clearly. I do find myself wondering, however, if these deals ever go bad? At the beginning of the…

  • Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter to all of my Easter Celebrating friends! Whether you celebrate the Resurrection as part of your faith, or the return of spring, as symbolized by bunnies and eggs, I hope you have a wonderful day, and have some chocolate. 😉 This is my favorite Easter book, bar none. It’s about the Country Bunny, who wants to try out to be an Easter Bunny, but as she is a single mom, the old Easter Bunny doesn’t think she will be able to manage. But, like good single moms everywhere, she has taught her little bunnies to do all of the chores around the house, which they demonstrate by cleaning,…

  • Smells…

      The other day, after getting dressed, I sprayed a bit of perfume on, and then went in to wake Maya.  She sleepily said, “It smells like mama in here”.  Very cute.  I love that she identifies the smell of my perfume (Eternity Purple Orchid) with me, and then I noticed that I’m almost out of said perfume, which sucks.  Gonna have to get some more, I guess. She also has mentioned the sound of mama, which, when it’s not me yelling at her or saying, GET OUT OF BED, is the sound my bangle bracelets make when I walk.  That felt cozy for some reason, too.  But the perfume comment…

  • Dear Me, 1981 – 1987 version

    I tried this two weeks agp, and I liked the idea.  So here I’m trying with a slightly younger, much more insecure version of me.  Again, the original idea came from here. Dear Me, I hesitate to give you advice, to warn you of the pains and slights that you will suffer, for I wonder how much of who I am now comes from the lessons learned due to these slights, and the resulting pain.  I like who I am now, I like that I am sympathetic, loving, and caring.  And yet, somehow, I hope that I would still be these things without these hardships, that they are part of my…

  • Stupid Allergies

    I’m grumpy and allergic this morning.   Blech.  Usually Py is the member of our household who suffers from allergies, but I started yesterday, and it’s yucky.  I’ve taken everything I can take, got the windows sealed up, the air purifier on…as soon at it hits 70 degrees in here, I’m turning on the a/c.  That usually helps, too. So I was griping (so much for a complaint free world, huh?) about allergies to the admin at Maya’s school this morning, and she gave me a tip that her husband tried this year, and seems to help him.  It’s too late to try it for us, but next year, I’m giving…

  • Are you who you want to be?

    My friend Cherry likes the TLC show, Shalom in the Home, and has suggested that I might like it as well. So, I plopped myself down last week to watch it. The premise is that a family that is having problems writes to the Rabbi, and he goes and stays there for a week, trying to help them figure things out. Kind of like Supernanny or One Week to Save Your Marriage. This episode was one where it was a bit more than the Rabbi could handle. It was a family trying to help their teen daughter to cope with her anorexia. If only that were something you could heal…

  • Happy Passover

    Happy Passover to all! When I found out that the traditional Passover meal includes 4 glasses of wine, it made me wonder…how do you get up and go to work the next day?  So, please, I gotta know…what do you do…do you go to work during Passover?  Or take the day off?