Year of the Rat Turd

Woke up 3 times last night. Twice by small earthquakes, then a phone call that said mom fell last night on the way back to bed from the bathroom, and hurt her neck. They’re sending her back to the hospital.


(And another grumpy thought…I haven’t even spoken to a single woman who could bring herself to vote for Hillary (besides a few family members) so what’s this stupid talk about Obama needs to heal rift with women? Idiot press. Most people I’ve talked to say, they’re so similar on the issues, they would vote either way. And then the campaign turned a lot of people off to her. So whatever. Stupid press.)

UPDATE: Thankfully, MG doesn’t seem to have truly injured herself when she fell. She is back at the care facility, and she got a lecture from the nurse in emergency (or should I say, a pep talk? Either way…) about how if she doesn’t get up and work at getting better, no matter how much it hurts, she is NOT going to get better, and in fact, she will get worse. So. We’ll see if she listened. I hope so.

And Genevieve, you dumb dog, why did you pick TODAY to jump up and sleep on our bed (never done this before in the entire 6 years we’ve had her) and then pee on it?  WHY? That wasn’t what we wanted to come home from seeing Granny to find.  Dumb dog.


  • Autumn's Mom

    Strange there was an earthquake last night, I dreamed I was in one…maybe we felt it too. But it didn’t wake me up. Sneezing woke me up. At 3 am. I’m sorry about your mom..Sending you a hug.

  • Lalunas

    Yes the Earthquakes were unnerving. It was really a jolt. We also had unexpected visitors at 3:30 AM. Raccoons were in the peach tree having a hay day eating peaches and throwing them everywhere.
    I also voted for Hilary.
    We are sorry your Mama fell last night. Maybe a bed side commode would be helpful, you can request that for late night activities.

  • Linda Atkins

    That’s lousy that MG fell. I hope it’s not serious. As for Hillary, don’t get me started. I also voted for her, but am not exactly a fan at this point, given the Bosnia sniper fire and her utter lack of grace in not conceding right after her call of congratulations to Obama, if there even was one, and lots more that happened between those two things. (Oops, didn’t I say don’t get me started?)

  • Crum

    Hilliary did seem to turn some folks off with her campaign style. Her fans didn’t care but folks on the fence like my wife and I did not care for her negative methods. She’s strong enough to lead, but somehting about her just well, I guess I cannot put my finger on it.

    Is Genevieve feeling okay? Sometimes random cahnges in behaviour can indicate something is wrong.

  • Ted

    Yeah, yesterday was such crap day. My nerves were frayed. But I got to hang out with friends last night and that helped to turn my frown upside down.

    Year of the Turd, indeed.

  • Jimmy

    It will truly be the year of the turd when the elections are over!!!!LOL!!!!
    Poor Gen! She must be upset about somethin’?

  • hellomelissa

    obama’s already got this woman voter.

    in my blog listing, this post read “year of the rat turd.” i really wanted to know about the rat turd! but it turns out to be only a turd, which also sucks.

    maybe gen has a uti?

    here’s a huge online hug, girl. sounds like you need it.