Wordless Wednesday – winter fruit trees


    • J

      Yeah, you have to ask. Though I did steal the one pomegranate last year or the year before…aren’t they pretty though? I don’t like persimmons at all, but I do think they look pretty on the tree.

      My neighbor has a Meyer lemon tree in her yard, and gave us some, I am going to make lemon cheesecake for Christmas dinner. YUM!

      • J

        Our neighbor has an orange tree and the oranges hang over into our yard, which is frustrating because he doesn’t take care of the tree (I think it needs fertilizer or something) so the oranges are not good. Oh well.

  • Joared

    Fruit-ladden trees attractive. I had potted dwarf fruit trees on my patio and found the mandarins most successful and my favorite — delighted my granddaughter for picking a year she visited.

    • J

      Yum, my BIL has a mandarin tree in his yard…not sure if they are ripe yet…we don’t get enough sun in our yard to grow anything, sadly.