Wordless Wednesday – Bath time edition


  • nance

    He’s like an entirely different dog when he’s wet.

    It’s astonishing how much fur comes out when they get brushed, isn’ it? My cats are the same. I use a Furminator on the short hair, and an entirely separate cat is removed.

    Mulder looks much happier in the “after” picture, and I’m sure he’s relieved to get rid of some of that extra fluff.

    • J

      Nance, I know, he really didn’t look like himself when he was wet and soapy, did he? Poor thing. It does look as though an entirely separate Mulder has been removed.

    • J

      I’ve never tried to bathe (or brush) a cat. My brother used to have to bathe his cat when she got really old and couldn’t take care of herself. She didn’t like it, as you say, though he said she seemed to like the warmth of the water at least, it got in and soothed her arthritic bones.

    • J

      I love that bath photo so much, I’m glad I captured it. He stays very still and calm while being bathed, but I can just see him drifting off to his ‘safe space’ in hopes that it will end soon. Not in this picture, in this picture he is clearly right there in the moment and begging for release.

  • Betty

    Just visiting 🙂 Such a sweet dog you have! What a difference in his look from bath to groomed. Amazing amount of fur off of him too and I thought only corgis were big shedding dogs 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend 🙂


    • J

      Welcome Betty! I know, it’s crazy how different he looks when he’s wet, isn’t it? He’s a very fluffy dog, and we vacuum daily. If we’re having people over, we vacuum earlier in the day, and then do a last minute touch up vacuum right before they arrive. It’s a lot.

  • Joared

    Surely dogs must feel better after they’ve been brushed, bathed, dried and combed out. I’d think eventually they would all make that connection and welcome the bath, but I guess some don’t. He is a handsome guy!

    • J

      He tolerates his baths, but he definitely does not enjoy it! He used to try to escape and would cry, but he’s settled down and just stands there like a good boy.