• J

    My last dream of the morning…I’m a soldier in Iraq, and we’re on our base, in the barracks, and the Star Spangled Banner is playing…and we’re all so damned homesick that we can’t even look at each other for fear of breaking down into tears. As I slowly swim up toward consciousness, I feel empty and aching inside, as though the dream is true…and then I feel my soft warm bed, my clean safe house, and the worst thing that’s happening around me is the asshole outside honking his horn repeatedly even though it’s only 5:58 in the morning.

    My mind starts drifting toward the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan…I’m thinking of how we need to bring them home, how they have no business being there, especially Iraq, and how, if we DO bring them home soon, there is going to be a horrid bloody civil war in Iraq, and we will be culpable. And I’m angry because our asshat leader thought this was such a damn good idea to begin with, and he thought, or pretended to think, that we would be welcomed with flowers and parades, and that democracy would fall into place like a jigsaw puzzle…well buddy, your puzzle is missing some pieces, and I don’t even think you’re looking at pieces from one puzzle, because it’s quite a mess…

    And then my mind drifts over to the book I’m reading, Half of a Yellow Sun, about the decolonization of Nigeria, and the hatred that the different ethnic groups there have for one another, and how they were forced into being one country by the British…and I am reminded of Iraq…

    I wish I drank coffee. I think I could really use a cup this morning.

  • Ml

    It’s so damn sad! I’m sorry you’re having a tough morning, J. Hope the rest of your day gets better.

  • Gina

    The one in the middle looks so very young!

    A friend of Hubba-hubba’s is getting sent back to Iraq, for his second tour, and it sucks. He will leave behind a three month old son and get back who knows when.

  • Shelliza

    Wish you had a better start to your day. But I’m right there with you on this war. It’s definitely time for them to come home.
    Hope your day gets better:) Today, I posted the answers to your interview on my blog.

  • Starshine

    The photo gave me chills. It is a good reality check. Thank you for reminding us of the sacrifice these soldiers are making…many of them having already served multiple tours of duty.

  • wordgirl

    I just keep wondering why those of us who say these kids should be home are made to feel criminal for owning up to such a sentiment. That photo speaks volumes.

  • Maya's Granny

    God, they are all so young. I just want to protect them, and there they are dying to protect us. Because, even if Bush sent them for the oil, and even if what is happening is making us all less safe, the reason they joined up was to protect us.

  • Py Korry

    What a horrid dream! But like I was telling you today, ever since I’ve known you, you’ve been really affected by your dreams. I’m glad you finally came out of your funk. 🙂