• J

    Not sure what year this is, but likely 1980ish. It’s been a long time since I have seen Richard without a beard.

    Grandpa does not look thrilled with his birthday gift. Once he retired, he did most of the cooking, as he liked it more than my Grandma did, and also, he was a better cook than she was (probably because he enjoyed it.)

    Inheritance notes: I told you awhile ago about the lamps, one is shown in the picture. I am also going to inherit the elephants (there are 2). Ted and Maya are not thrilled with the elephants, though they both like the lamps just fine. Actually, there are 4 elephants…two are brightly colored (in the picture) and two are ivory and beige. I want the colored ones, because they are smaller, and they were my favorites when I was a kid. I suspect Ted and Maya would be a bit happier with the ivory and beige ones.

  • nance

    Maybe he just wasn’t thrilled about having his picture taken.

    How fun that you will have elephants! I can’t wait to hear of Mulder’s reaction to them. Zydrunas feels very challenged by all large animal representations and has to square up to them and bark quite a bit.

    • J

      Oh dear, I hadn’t thought of that…he does like to bark at the pigs in my MIL’s back yard…I guess he will just have to learn to love them, along with Ted and Maya.

      And you are likely right about my Grandpa. When I look closely he is smiling, albeit very slightly. There was another picture in the album of him hugging my grandma, still wearing this, so I’m guessing it was a gift from her.