Wordless Wednesday



  • J

    This little guy was amongst my mom’s things. He belonged to my Great Grandfather. I hadn’t seen him before, though, so mom must have inherited him after I moved out.

    Laluna and I were trying to figure out if he came like this, or if the head/cork just happened to fit in the jug.

    Would you like it even more if you knew that it’s a music box? Well, it is. 🙂

  • KelliAmanda

    Does it have any indication of who made it on the bottom? And which part is the music box (the jug, or the head)?

    The head reminds me of one of those puppets on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood…

  • J

    KA, No indication of who made it anywhere, though the cork says ‘Made in Italy’, in English. The music box is at the bottom of the jug. 🙂

  • rel

    I like this alot, both the color of the jug and the caricature topping it.
    As for the music box: What tune does it play?

  • J

    Rel, sorry to say that I can’t figure out what the tune is. That part works inconsistently, with a ding here and a tune there, but nothing really identifiable. I like him, though. 🙂