When it rains, it pours…
(graphic found here…)
You all know that my mom had a heart attack almost 2 weeks ago, and is currently (like, as we speak, I’m writing from the waiting room at the hospital) undergoing bypass surgery (the nurse just came out and said, so far so good, just started about an hour ago with the actual surgery, and it lasts 4 – 6 hours). Some of you know that Ted’s aunt passed away a few weeks ago, and LaLunas, CG, and Uncle flew to England for the funeral. Now, to prove the adage bad news comes in threes, Ted’s brother was out riding his bicycle on his birthday, and wiped out pretty badly, breaking a few ribs and his collar bone. OUCH! He’s out of commission for at least a few days. Nice birthday gift, huh?
So, can we just say that we’re done with bad stuff for now, and move on to good news for awhile? Yes? Thank you. I think we’re ready.
AHHHHHHHH!! Poor Steve! Please tell him to get better soon for me 🙁
No kidding! Good news needs to come now after all this. Poor Steve!
Praying for your mom.
I’ve still got my fingers crossed for your mom, and hope you will be able to get some much needed stress free rest soon!
Wanderlust Scarlett
Oh Jules,
I hope and pray that things start looking up in your life.
So much to go through!
I will keep you in my prayers.
I wish you peace.
Scarlett & Viaggiatore
Py Korry
Yes! No more bad news! Just like Donna on 90210 would say “No! No! No! No! No!”
Hoping the best for your Mom and you too. Sending healthy and happy thoughts to both of you.
I’m so sorry to hear your family’s going through this. It’s definitely time for things to start looking up.
No room in this world for anything else bad to happen. I hold your mom in my thoughts and hope all comes out well. Your mom is one strong woman.
Man, I hope things break for yours and Py’s family soon. Your’re right, this is a bit much for any one family to take all at once.
Oh, so sorry to hear about your run of bad 3’s – now it will be over, right? Hang in there.