V is for Victory

Last week, as I was putting together my Smokey post, WordPress went wonky on me. I was trying to post a picture of Smokey on the bed with Rags and a few other items, and it would not load. But there was a button that said, ‘retry’, so I kept retrying. Eventually everything went south, and I could not see my plugins or post anything. Very frustrating.

Enter Ted, my handy tech support. Ted self hosts our blogs, so he contacted the company that we work with, and walked through the errors we were getting. It wasn’t just my blog, but all of the sites we have. Sometimes we could get in, sometimes we couldn’t. Of course, we could get in when we were talking to tech support, and we couldn’t when we weren’t. Frustrating. But Ted knows enough tech stuff to get through it, and eventually, we were victorious, and I am now able to post on my blog again. Yay!

Back in the heady days of blogging, 10years ago or so, I would have been devastated to lose my blog. But these days, when I sometimes go weeks or occasionally months without posting, when I don’t reach out and find other blogs anymore, when I have a handful of blog friends…I sometimes consider letting it go. But even if I were to let it go, I wouldn’t want it to be that way, without even saying goodbye and telling you guys. That’s no way to go. So I am very thankful for this small victory, and I shall live to write and post another day.

Updated to add that today is my 16th Blogaversary! Who knew when I first posted about Thanksgiving in 2005 that blogging would be such a great thing for me? Not I. In those days, all of my in-person friends were doing it, and it was a fun way to stay in touch with them and so on. They’ve all quit long ago, and I’m still standing, even if it feels like on one wobbly leg sometimes.  Also, I seem to have fixed the problem with spacing on my Smokey post.  Yay for HTML editor!


  • nance

    Love the Dwight image. He’s a classic, isn’t he?

    Almost nothing irritates me more than techy glitches. I will spend innumerable hours trying to figure them out–little bits of errant code, slow-loading issues, problems with positioning text or photos–all of that can just drive me batty. I once spent an entire day figuring out how to put a little martini glass at the tab of my blog. You may remember that; it’s called a favicon. Now it’s a little wine-drinking cat, but if you DON’T see it, do NOT tell me. I can’t go through all that again.

    I’m glad you were Victorious in your efforts, ultimately. And I’m glad you have a resident Tech Guru who is willing to help.

    I hope you don’t quit your blog entirely anytime soon. I always enjoy your perspective on things.

    • J

      Nance, I too was once that way about my blog. Now, my sidebar is hopelessly out of date, my book and recipe pages are a joke but I don’t bother to clean them up, and sometimes (as in my Smokey post) I cannot for the life of me get the spacing right. I want a little space between the paragraphs, but if it doesn’t happen, I can’t muster the strength to figure out what the hell is different about that post.

      I do enjoy coming here and babbling on, however, and I especially enjoy when you and Ally and assorted others come by and let me know you’re here….that interaction really is the fun part of blogging. Thank you for always stopping by.

  • nance

    I just read your update, and happy 16th! So many other bloggers have, indeed, quit. They’ve succumbed to the quickie charms of fb or twitter. I’m glad you’re still hanging here with me. I think the long form of blogging is still the best and most thoughtful art form on the Internet. And I absolutely agree that the interaction is by far the best thing about it.

    Have a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy your family time.