Tuesday Five

I saw this on a brand new blog today, Blues Butterfly’s 5 & 10s, and thought, why not, I’m in. So, here goes, a fun meme to start the new year. Fast five questions.

1. Do you feel respected at your workplace? How do you feel disrespected at your workplace? What can you do to improve your work situation?
Sorry, I don’t blog about work. Haven’t you heard the term ‘dooced’?

2. Tell us about a dish that is special to your hometown or your family.
My hometown claims to be the asparagus capital of the world, or at least, to produce the most asparagus in the world. So if you like asparagus, check out Stockton, CA, and visit for the Asparagus festival in the spring. Then you can get into a fight about whether skinny little pencil thin asparagus are better, or toothsome thick ones. Personally, I say, eat whatever you like, your pee will still smell like asparagus. (I like the skinny kind, with butter, salt, and maybe a bit of lemon)

3. What U.S. Presidential candidate do you find most trustworthy? Which do you find least trustworthy?
Kuchich seems to be the most trustworthy to me. In fact, thus far, I haven’t known him to do a single untrustworthy thing. Least trustworthy? Not sure. Huckabee gives me the creeps, but so do many others.

4. What is your favorite book? Tell about your favorite character in that book. Is there something you dislike about your favorite character in that piece?
I’ve talked a lot about Gone With The Wind, so I’ll take a cheap out and go with the Little House books, which I LOVED growing up. Loved Laura, and how she was gusty and did stupid things and fessed up to them and tried her best to be honest. My least favorite thing about her is when she told her husband she didn’t want the right to vote.

5. If there was a fire at your house, which room would you least mind burning down? Why?
Erm…burn? My house? I guess my kitchen, because even though the new granite counter tops are pretty, if it burned, we could have money to put in sliding drawer cupboards, and a gas stove, and still have nice new granite counter tops.


  • Nance

    Kucinich is from near my hometown, and he’s extremely well-liked. He’s like a little bulldog: tenacious, tough, and not at all pretentious. He’s eccentric, but you’re right in that he’s never said a single thing he’s backpedaled about. I am also a huge GWTW fan–I reread it every single summer. There are huge chunks of the text I know from memory as a result. My love for Rhett Butler knows no bounds, and I think Ashley is a terrible pansy. I grew up clutching the Little House books, and I still haven’t forgiven the tv people for what they did to them.