To Thine Own Self Be True…

Is that the same as “know thyself”? I think it’s a bit different. Anyway, MsMama tagged me for an interesting little meme…


What is/are YOUR:
Easy how-to ways to beat a bad mood?
A shower. Something about having that hot water all over me helps a lot. A walk in the rain can help. Ted has been known to make me laugh when I’m blue. Maya can sometimes kiss my boo-boos away…

Never-fail lip color? I’m not adult enough to wear lipstick. Mostly it’s just vasaline or chapstick for me. My lips are naturally kind of pink, though….I’ve gotten compliments on my lipstick when it’s just chapstick.

Personality type (via myersbriggs)?
I don’t know via myersbriggs, but I’m pretty quiet, kind of shy, not a lot to say. Until I feel comfortable, and then I’m kind of bossy and know it allish.

Greatest strengths and weaknesses (like in a job interview)?
Greatest strength: empathy, though I wouldn’t say that in a job interview. Greatest weakness: indiciciveness, though again, I wouldn’t fess up to that.

Names of the trees in your yard? We live in a little condo, and all of our trees died. The ones we used to have were called Mimosa Trees. They were filthy suckers, but very pretty. I have an avocado tree in a pot, which I grew from a seed. 🙂

Mother-in-law’s favorite flower? My mother-in-law is a lover of all things flowering. She is the only woman I know who can grow fuscias in her backyard, in an area known for being HOT and DRY in the summer. She has beatutiful clamatis growing on a trellis, and she spoils her roses rotten, so they reward her with BIG BEAUTIFUL blooms. Favorite? I would guess the roses, but I might be wrong.

Three people you will tag: I’ll tag Cherry, since I know she’s doing a blog every day in November, so this will help her out a bit. Andi has been sick, and she’s also doing the NoBloPoMo, so she might want a gimmie. Gina signed up too, but she missed Friday already (I’m thinking it was on purpose, because she wanted to enjoy her anniversary)…I’ll give her some fodder.


  • Valbee

    Hi there! I found you on the NaBloPoMo randomizer. And if you don’t mind, I’m going to “borrow” this meme for today’s post. (Is that cheating? I hope not!) I enjoyed what I’ve read so far. I’ll be back! 🙂

  • Wendy

    Love this one – I haven’t seen it before – i really like your answers – but just knowing you from your blog, I was surprised that you see yourself as shy and not a lot to say – You don’t come across that way at all!

  • Heidi

    I should have added a hot shower(because when I redid the upstairs bathroom, I nixed the shower for a shiney freestanding soaking tub. Damn, I miss showers. Didn’t you say once that a bath was like soaking in a vat of filth? Hee hee). A giant Mimosa cocktail might do the trick as well. Nice list! You rock, shy girl!

  • Andie D.

    Oh I’m IN!

    Better now. For the most part. 😉

    I’m so with you regarding the chapstick. I tried to become a lipstick girl, and it never fit. Chapstick. I have it all over the house. In my purse and in my diaper bag. In my bedside table drawer.

    Fodder for tomorrow’s post!!!!

  • Ml

    Cool meme! You’re so lucky you don’t have to wear lipstick. If I don’t wear some, apparently I look like I’m sick.

  • J

    Hey Wendy, My friend Cherry, whom I know in person, was surprised that I see myself as quiet and shy as well…maybe that’s just how I see myself, not how I project myself. Interesting, huh? Maybe.

  • Ana's BFF

    The only thing I can answer is the question about beating a bad mood. Almost always I can eat one Hershey’s kiss and that does the trick. It is like my brain releases happy hormones and I feel better. Also exercise relieves stress, fresh air and watching a funny movie. I find if I am really upset and I watch a comedy, I totally forget why I was mad to begin with. Reality sets in eventually, but for that half hour or hour and a half movie I am relaxed.

  • curiositykiller

    Great answers! I’m just tracking down who tagged who on this meme cause I took it from my favorite magazine. Chocolate really does release serotonine (a happy hormone), so yes, scientifically, hershey kisses are good for you! Just recently, a study proves chocaholics indeed have healthier hearts. Oh, thanks for playing, love your list of memes! I just might take some from you!