The End of Summer…

Summer isn’t officially over until September 21st, and around here, the warm weather lasts well into October, sometimes November…

Late summer, August, September, into October…that’s one of the best times for yummy summer food around here.  The tomatoes are at their best, the grapes are sweet and juicy (note to self…get tiny natural thomsom seedless next time you’re at the farmer’s market…they’re smaller than the newer varieties, but sweeter…), you can still get strawberries and corn and so many lovely things, local and natural and delicious.  You can make homemade tomato sauce and have a yummy pasta for dinner.  People are trying to get rid of their zucchini, so it’s not too hard to come across zucchini bread if you have an office with a kitchen. 

The sun is still up pretty late, and daylight saving time has been pushed into November, so summer should last extra long this year…

And yet, with all of that, the threat of at least one last heat wave before the leaves turn, the yummy summer produce, the warm swimming pool outside my door, the bbq and late sunshine, it still feels like the end of summer.  Why?  Because school starts next week.  No more letting Maya sleep as long as she wants.  No more evenings free of any activities or homework. No more.  Now it will be getting her up and out the door, in time to walk the dog the approx. 2 miles to her school, then walk home again.

I like the school year.  I like that she’s busier, and that she’s not spending so much time on the computer or video games.  I like that she’s planning on playing a sport this year (Volleyball), and that she will make new friends at school.  I like walking with her in the mornings, which with her sleeping in late most days, doesn’t happen that often in the summer months.  And I love autumn…love the cool, crisp mornings and warm afternoons, love the trees changing colors, love the FEEL of it all…but maybe, could we have another month of summer?  Please?


  • ML

    It does feel like the end of summer with everything being Back to School this and Back to School that. Even though we’ve had a very hot summer, I always miss it when it’s gone. I do love fall, though. It’s become my favorite season. Doesn’t last too long here because winter steps in quickly and goes on for ages and ages.

  • Gina

    I’ve got to wait until after Labor Day for mine to go back. I love spending time with him, but I have fallen behind in cleaning and such…

  • Autumn's Mom

    It ended for us this morning. I love autumn. Leaves on the ground or blowing in the wind, I love the colors of fall. We’ve had the mildest summer…I’m wondering if we are just going to flip right into fall right after labor day!

  • Py Korry

    This summer has been quite the un-summer. We hardly ventured into the pool, we didn’t really BBQ, and very little time was spend doing “outside” things. I blame it all on trying to sell our place!

  • Starshine

    Sweet post. It’s cool to see how much you really enjoy your quality time with Maya.

    I love autumn, too. Bring on the turtlenecks and jeans weather! (Okay…in one more month!)

  • kookiejar

    School got back in session last week for us here in Omaha and I couldn’t be happier. I love fall just being around the corner. Sometimes the anticipation is better than the actual thing. Makes me want to bake a pumpkin pie, just to get a jump on in, though.

  • Shelliza

    Summer in FLorida means it goes from hot to hotter! (ugh!)
    I am so looking forward to cooler days. We don’t get much of Fall weather her but it would be nice to not have this blistering heat and humidity.
    Hope you enjoy the remainder of your Summer!

  • Beenzzz

    I really enjoy autumn as well. It’s so beautiful and peaceful. I like summer too, but I am ever too happy to say goodbye to record hell scorching temperatures we’ve been having!

  • MsMamma

    I’m with you! It’s been so damn dingy and depressing the last few days. Lots of rain and grey skies(please that’s what the eight months of winter are for). And your description of fresh food makes me hungry. Grumble, grumble.

  • Maya's Granny

    Fall is one of my four favorite seasons. I love the produce that’s available and the cooler weather and the turning leaves.

    It’s nice to like all of the seasons, because when each one comes I am glad to see it.

    You are having a great time with Maya, and I’m so glad.

  • Jimmy

    I’ll be glad when it gets cooler. It’s skanky hot and humid over here on the South Eastern coast of NC!
    I couldn’t have lived here a 100 years ago! Would have had to move north with the yanks!

  • laluna

    Volley ball, she will following in her cousin’s foot steps. Yesterday when I went over the the school for registration and literally the only reason I was there is to basically hand over my check book for every cost you can think of, the new freshmans were playing volley ball. It was really intense. But they were having fun..