Talking ’bout TV….

Yesterday, among all of the challanges of getting my home office set up, I remembered that it was Wednesday, LOST night. It was just about 8:00, so I checked Yahoo TV to see if it was a new episode, or if they were pulling a LOST on us. Yahoo said they’re pulling a LOST, and it was some other show. Two episodes of some sitcom I had never heard of. So I got pissed about how much they suck, and poured a glass of wine, and we sat down to watch some mighty fine TV anyway. Did any of you watch Dead Like Me when it was on? WOW, what a great show. We didn’t watch it when it was on, because we don’t have Showtime, but we’ve been Netflixing it, and LOVING it. It’s done by the same person (writer, maybe? creator? Not sure) as Wonderfalls, which was a great network tv show that only made it 4 or 5 episodes before getting pulled, but was getting pretty weird anyway, so maybe that’s OK. Anyway, there are elements of Wonderfalls here…snarkiness, odd family, a mission that the character didn’t choose, slackerdom….but it’s just really, really good. I highly reccomend renting it when you get a chance, if you didn’t watch it when it was still on TV. It went two seasons. It even has Jasmine Guy (from Different World) as a tough as nails meter maid/cop. LOVE her.

So, last night we watched the penultimate episode of Dead Like Me, then were going to go to bed…(we’re early to bed/early to rise, still broke and stupid folk around here) and I thought, let’s see WHAT is on ABC, since they couldn’t be bothered to show LOST. AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH! LOST was indeed on! Yahoo TV SUCKS! Face my wrath, Yahoo TV! I hate you forever! (And later, when I checked Yahoo again, they were THEN saying that Lost WOULD be on…trying to be all coy, like they hadn’t right out LIED to me, right to my friggin’ face! You can’t get away with that, Yahoo TV, I know what I saw. I know what you did to me. You suck.) Luckily, it was very early on in the show, Hurley was just throwing out his hoard of food, so we watched until the commercial break/opening credits, and then I set the VCR to tape the rest. So, for those of you losers without TiVo, who still tape things on a VCR, remember how you have to change over to channel 4 to turn the VCR on? Well, I turned over to channel 4, and there was a VERY scary man who looked a little bit like Kenny Rogers! Autumn’s Mom warned us, but I was still NOT prepared for what someone did to his face! No more nice laughlines! No more character! And while I find Asian people to be very attractive, generally, not so much when it’s Kenny Rogers LOOKING like an Asian person. That’s how much his eyes had been stretched. Poor Kenny. I’d sue the bastards.


  • blackbeltmama

    You are so right about Kenny! It’s definitely the eyes and I would have to guess he’s had botox as well. He doesn’t look right at all. He looks like Kenny’s younger brother with attitude.

    About missing Lost, I have tivo with a DVR and you might want to ask a local friend if they could burn it for you if they have tivo as well. If not, let me know and I could send it to you. It was a good episode.

  • Gina

    Yes, Kenny is indeed stretched a bit thin. I thought that immediately when I saw him on AI Tuesday.

    If you like snarky, slacker tv, have you ever watched Arrested Development? It doesn’t get any snarkier and slackier than the Bluths!

  • Autumn's Mom

    Yahoo bites! I read that Kenny is married to a 26 year old chick and they have 2 year old twin boys. Maybe he felt he needed refreshing so his kids didn’t think he was the grandpa. I guess whatever makes you happy dude.

  • J

    Blackbeltmama, thanks for the offer on Lost. 🙂 We taped it, just missed maybe the first minute. AND, ABC is good in that they offer it on iTunes, so once or twice we have just paid $1.99 to watch it on our computer. Love the modern age, even if we haven’t gotten the DVR thing yet.

    Gina, I tried Arrested Development, and I know it’s supposed to be the best thing ever…but I just couldn’t get into it. Maybe TOO snarky for me? Not sure.

    Autumn’s Mom, yeah, that makes sense…probably trying to keep up with the kids. My boss got called his daughter’s grandpa once. Ouch. Then again, he is only 5 years younger than my mom, and his daughters are only 3 and 4 years older than Maya, so he got started late.

  • Ms. Mamma

    Hilarious! I saw him the weekend of the MDA telethon and thought eeesh! Hmmmmm… I wonder what would happen if you uploaded his new visage to