Sunday Morning Walk

Our walk on a recent Sunday morning brought us to a local park, which has a large pond. We mostly see birds at this pond…geese and ducks and coots. But we sometimes see a heron of some sort, and if we are lucky, a turtle. Generally the turtles are in the water swimming, and the pictures I get of them are not very good. But if you look at this picture, in the lower right corner, there is a little turtle sitting on a rock or something. Perhaps, like Yertle the Turtle, he is the king of all he surveys. Or perhaps the queen. Or perhaps it is just enjoying the sunshine after a few foggy days.


  • nance

    Oh, he is a cute little thing, not like the enormous dinner-plate sized turtles we see at the lake. I’m envious of your sunny, warm day. We’ve got snow on the ground this morning. I’m quite peeved by it.

    Enjoy your lovely Sunday.

    • J

      Nance, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger turtle in this pond. Maybe a LITTLE bigger than this one, but not like a dinner plate. I hope it’s the breed, not that they don’t grow old enough to get big.

      I’m sorry about your snow. I’m peeved that we had to water our plants yesterday.

    • J

      Thank you Ally! I love seeing turtles on my walk. I don’t make it to this park every day, and often there are no turtles to be found, so this was extra special.