Random Thoughts Meme

I’m so frikkin’ ready to lighten things up around here, and thankfully debra left a comment yesterday, and I peeked over at her blog, and found a meme. That’s about my level of energy to come up with something right now, so yay, thanks debra!

Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction?
Yay! Let’s make it a girl this time, OK?

When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
Last time I saw George Bush smirking while people suffer.

What is the last thing you spent money on?
Sushi from the hospital caf for dinner last night.

Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month?
Probably lost, due to stress. Who knows. Who cares.

Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos?
Crunchy. I used to be all about the puffy cheetos, and then I tried crunchy and I thought, wow, these beat puffy’s ass!

Congratulations! You just had a son. What’s his name?
We liked Devanand and Krishna when we were thinking of boy names.

Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What’s her name?
Ted would disagree, but I like Ananda Lily. Lily for my mom, who is Lilith. Ananda for Ted and his brothers. Their middle names are Anand, Devanand, and Dyanand.

What are you craving right now?
A chat with my mom. And a hug from her.

What was the last thing you cried about?
See yesterday’s post.

When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it?
I keep it. They don’t want it, probably, and I do.

What color is your tissue box?
The one in my hotel room is kind of fuchsia colored, with white flowers.

Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
No fan, though I wish there were in the summer.

Scariest thing you’ve experienced in the last year?
These last two weeks, I guess.

Do you wear a name tag at work?
No. Would be weird since I work at home. I did at my last job, though.

Have you ever had a garage sale?
No. I don’t have a garage.

What color is your iPod?
Black. But I have a cool red alligator looking iPod carrier for it.

What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?

Are you happy right now?

Who came over last?
Here? Um, my brother I guess. Unless you count the housekeeper who brings me fresh towels in my hotel room.

Do you drink beer?
Root beer maybe.

Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
My brother used to sometimes. I never really believed him, though.

What is your favorite key on your key chain?
That’s a weird question. Right now, my house key. I’m homesick.

What was the last movie you watched at home?
Probably The Terminator.

What is in your pocket?
The key to my hotel room. Some doctor information for my mom.

Where do you hurt?
My heart, mostly from being worried. Ditto my shoulders. (My heart not literally, don’t worry…) I woke up with a headache, too. Wish I had my neti pot here.

What’s something fun you did today?
Nothing yet. Last fun was probably Tuesday, when I went to lunch with fabulous Anchorage Blogger, Michelle. I’ll write a bit more about that and someone else I met here in Anchorage soon.

What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart?
Wal-Mart sucks.

When is your birthday?
New Year’s Eve, December 31st.

Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?

What kind of milk do you drink?
Organic 1%.

What is something you need to go shopping for?
Who knows. Maybe some t-shirts for Ted and Maya that say Alaska?


  • Beenzzz

    I really like this meme. Sorry you are so down. It seems like everyone in the family is having a bad luck streak. I hope it’s over now and things look a bit brighter from here on out!

  • Michelle at Scribbit

    I have never heard those names–there’s got to be an interesting story behind Devanand I would think. I always swore if I had another boy I’d name him Heath but Andrew was never so keen on the name.

  • Cherry

    I hope you get your chat and hug from your mom really soon!

    You don’t realize how much I want to eat crunchy Cheetos now. I think I shall obsess on that today. Always need something, right?

  • CuriosityKiller

    I’m a crunchy cheetos girl – I’m a snob, I won’t go near puffy cheetos unless I’m super drunk, which I would be – if I were you.

    That wasn’t funny, I know. Sorry.

    Anywaaaaayyyy – just sitting at home and watching “Veronica Mars”. Just popped my cold meds, one more episode and I’m out like a light.

    Catch up with you soon. Hugs.

  • Jimmy

    OK, I’ll agree….Walmart definitely sucks! But don’t be so hard on George? You know I got to stand by my man!LOL!!
    What about “she who shall not be named”?LOL!!

    Hopefully I took your mind off your burdens for a micro second!

    I’ll say “George Bush sucks” if will make it any better!

    I’m really hoping your mom gets her lungs cleared up and wakes up soon!

  • J

    Jimmy, you can stand by your man if you need to, but don’t stand too close, in case I punch him in the face. I wouldn’t want to get you on accident! 🙂 I wouldn’t mind getting ‘she who must not be named’, though it wouldn’t be an accident. HA!

  • Jimmy

    OK….you can punch me now! I just got back from Walmart here in Wilmiewood! I really remember why I hate that place now! It’s the ever maddening crowd!
    I only go there once in a blue moon for essentials!
    Couldn’t help but think of you and your mom, and decided to check your blog again!

  • Nance

    J., I just know you and I would get along. As soon as I read “Wal*Mart Sucks” as your response, I laughed and laughed and really didn’t need to read further. I think a long visit one day would be awfully nice.

  • Theresa Bakker

    I’m so glad you and Michelle got together. Wish I were there for that. This was lovely. I liked learning these things about you. And kudos for discovering the radical awesomeness of crunchy Cheetos.