Pumpkin Pecan Waffles

Pumpkin Waffles
This is a shameless endorsement for a waffle mix, because dang it, this stuff is good. The recipe is easy, but finding the waffle mix, not so much. Not so much online, that is, because stupid Williams-Sonoma doesn’t have it in their online store. Oddly enough, they DO have it in the brick and morter store downtown.  We bought some a few weeks ago, and we whipped up a batch on Wednesday morning.  Mmmm.  Really, really good.  Especially with their pecan pumpkin butter right on top.  The waffles came out fluffy and light, with just the right amount of pumpkin/pecan flavor. Sigh.

The only cruel thing is that there’s a power outage scheduled for this morning, so no pumpkin waffles for our Saturday morning breakfast.  Perhaps we’ll make some on Sunday? Or maybe pancakes?

1. Going to a house warming party for Autumn’s Mom, which will also be attended by my good friend Cherry.  Don’t even try to tell me you’re not jealous. 😉

2. Do a little Christmas shopping.  Easy stuff, I know what I want and where to get it, so that will be fine.  And if it doesn’t happen today, there’s still plenty of time. That’s a nice feeling.