Angry Black Bitch wins the Perfect Post Award

I haven’t awarded a ‘perfect post’ in a long time…to be honest, I forget about it every month, until I get an email from Petroville, who dutifully sends the code for the badge, and reminds me of the award. But by then, I’ve forgotten what wonderful stuff is out there, and so no awards go out. But in a perfect example of synchronicity, I received the email, and then went and checked out an amazing post written by Shark Fu, aka, Angry Black Bitch.

What makes this post award worthy? I love the way she dives right and and tells it like it is, reminding us what being a patriotic American means, who the first patriots were in our country, and how it wasn’t rolling over and accepting whatever was handed to them that made them great. No, it was their ability to question, and more than that, to demand justice, to demand better than they had, to rebel and fight against the tyranny of their mother land.

Here’s a delicious quote of her writing skills, her passion, her truth. Check it out, and then go check out some ABB for yourself.

This nation was founded by radicals. The rest of the folks were loyal to the monarchy. Speaking out against the monarchy was illegal…they called it sedition and it was punishable under law. Every single published quote…every single speech…every public gathering or meeting…every act of melting household items to make bullets or hoarding food to feed soldiers…all of that shit was radical as a motherfucker.

So, when my fellow citizens verbalize a blind and unquestioning respect of an elected office rather than question flawed policy those people are speaking the language of the loyalist not the patriot. And when citizens chastise fellow citizens for criticizing our government they are speaking the language of the loyalist and not the patriot.

A bitch is concerned that some of us who have been born Americans really don’t understand the responsibility of citizenship. It is important to remember that the final check in the check & balance plan is the power invested in each of us to check our government on bullshit.

We tarnish our legacy and insult our history when we embrace the ideology of non-involvement, blind trust and apathy rather than live up to our responsibility to question elected officials over the shit they do in our name.

We have a role to play and that role is to be active citizens…to vote, challenge and critique our government so that is shall be a government of the people, by the will of the people and answerable in all ways to the people.

Say it, sister. That girl can write. Shark Fu, I don’t think you ever come this way in the bloggy world, but if you should, here’s a badge for you.
Perfect Post Award 03.08

(Want to see other perfect posts? Check out Suburban Turmoil and Petroville.)


  • lalunas

    That is some pretty powerful stuff. I have been living the life of a mole and just popped my head into the sunlight. Good timing or I would have missed Shark Fu’s stuff.

  • Py Korry

    I think ABB is correct about checking power. However, with all the crap this administration has pushed on Americans, it’s gets tougher and tougher to fight the power when it feels like there are so few elected allies who have the ability to check power on our behalf.