Meme Monday – Random Stuff
Today’s post is not really related to the meme at all. I’m not feeling stupid, except perhaps sometimes when I am playing my wordscapes game on my phone and the word I can’t manage to come up with is something like BANK or HER. In fact, today’s post has no theme, just hey, what’s going on in J’s life. Happy to say that we filed our taxes, and we have finally gotten our withholding just about right. We owe $50 to Federal, and we’re getting $70 back from California, so that’s a gain of $20 for us. Yay! I received a text from my credit card company the other day,…
Wordless Wednesday
Meme Monday
Over 500,000 Americans dead in 1 year from COVID-19. Record weather and power outages combined with unfettered greed, leading to entirely avoidable deaths. American terrorists attack the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the 2020 Presidential election. Huge protests in our streets, fighting for social justice and expressing outrage over the continued murders of black men and women. Huge wildfires, caused by a combination of drought, poor forest management, and climate change, becoming an annual occurrence in the West.
Meme Monday
Not actually a meme…it’s a book apparently. But it made me laugh, to think of poor stick man and everything happening to him on the same day. I think we can all relate, and feel like we’ve had days like this. I don’t feel like I have a lot to say today. We’ve had some rain, though not enough. Seems like the Sierras are getting snow, which is the most important thing. Our shower door broke, so we had to buy a new one. Luckily it is not so broken that we can’t use the shower in the mean time, as it will not be delivered until early March. I…
White Bean Tuna Salad
Some days, I absoultely know what to make for dinner. Other days, I have no frikken idea. Sometimes when I don’t know what I’m doing, I look through my pantry to see what there is, and take inspiration from there. This recipe is one you can have most of the ingredients on hand, and just get the fresh veggies that week. I’m not going to lie, I love this recipe. It’s really good with some nice sourdough bread. It’s especially good in summer when it’s hot out, when cherry tomatoes are in season, with a nice glass of Sauvignon Blanc. Yum. But it’s still pretty good on a Tuesday in…
Meme Monday – I have nothing today
Meme Monday – Convenience Food Edition
My mom was big on raising us to be self sufficient. I think it was her number one priority as a parent. Perhaps because she was 6 when her father died, and her family was thrown into chaos. My Grandma married my Grandfather just before graduating from High School, had my mom a year later, and my uncle 5 years after that. She was in no way prepared to support a family. She ended up losing her children (temporarily, thankfully), my mother to a convent, my uncle to a foster home. When she married my Grandpa, she got her children back. But my mom had learned a lesson, to make…
Bonus Meme Monday ~ More Bernie
Meme Monday – You knew this was coming….
Along with the rest of you, I have enjoyed seeing the Bernie memes bouncing around. In case you haven’t seen them all, here are some of my favorites. I like the idea of having them here on my blog, so in a year or two I can look back and remember this specific time. Bernie in art… Bernie in popular culture… Bernie in history, politics, and out and about… For the knitters out there… Bonus Michelle meme…
Sage Rubbed Pork Chops with Warm Apple Slaw
I was poking around the internet the other day, trying to find something a little different but still healthy to make for dinner, and I came across this recipe. It looked a little different, and healthy enough, and we had 1/2 a head of cabbage in the fridge that I wanted to use, so I went ahead and made it. The picture above is from Food Network, I didn’t think about taking one until it was too late. I used red cabbage and sherry vinegar, since that is what I had. I made the full recipe of slaw, but only 2 pork chops. I should have made 3 so Ted…
The Hill We Climb
I was blown away by the spectacular Amanda Gorman, the first National Youth Poet Laureate, and her poem at the Inaugeration today. I am sure you saw it. In case you’d like to see it in writing, here it is. What an amazingly talented, hard working, brilliant young woman. “The Hill We Climb” Amanda Gorman When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast, we’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace and the norms and notions of what just is, isn’t always justice. And yet the dawn is…
Wordless Wednesday – Scenes from a walk on a ridiculously beautiful January morning
Meme Monday
One last meme while the shit head is President. We are all looking forward to the end of this Presidency. What a relief it will be to know that the person in charge is not a psychopath. I like Biden just fine. I like Harris even more. But honestly, I would rather have a rock in the White House than Trump. Right now I’m wondering in what order the Presidential pardons will come…my guess is first, people who have paid for them, then friends, then family, then traitors and terrorists who attacked the Capitol building, then he will pardon himself. He’s going to have a busy couple of days. We’re…
How I read now
Where do you find out about books? Recommendations from friends and family? New York Times Review of Books? Browsing the bookstore or library? Do you insist on a physical copy, or do you use a kindle app or some such? What about audio books? Personally, I love a physical book, and I have become quite enamored with audio books. I’m not really fond of the e-reader, though I think it’s great if you travel, or commute via public transportation, or if you have arthritis or something that makes holding a book uncomfortable. Anyway, here are some books I have read recently, or will read soonish, and how I came to…
Salmon Piccata
We eat a lot of chicken around here, and sometimes, we get tired of it. The other night I had some lemon laying around, and thought I might make some chicken piccata. But being tired of chicken, I thought I’d look for a recipe for salmon, and look, I found one! Most of the recipes I find on Food Network are pretty good, though it’s helpful to look at the reviews…sometimes they give you some good pointers, like, “This was great, but too much salt” or “I love this receipe, it’s perfect!” and so on. The recipes on Food Network are mostly based on TV shows. I’m guessing that this…