• Updates

    I think it’s time to fill you in on the life of J. First and most importantly, Mulder had his appointment with the oncologist on Thursday, and she said he is a very good candidate for chemotherapy, with a six month protocol having an 85% chance of putting him into remission for at least a year, though he has a marker that often means remission can last longer. We have decided to try this treatment, so he will have weekly appointments for 2 months, then maintenance appointments every other week for 4 more months. It is expensive, I would not buy a dog for that kind of money, but he…

  • Wordless Wednesday

    Photo credit to my blog/facebook friend, Simon, who posted this on his FB page, and it gave me a good laugh at a time when I needed one.

  • Mulder

    We received some devastating news yesterday.  Mulder has lymphoma. I was petting him on Saturday and it felt like the glands on his throat were swollen.  We got him into the vet on Monday, and she took a bunch of tests which confirmed the diagnosis.  She could feel that it was not just the lymph nodes at his neck, but all of them that she can feel, they are all swollen with fluid.  After the diagnosis yesterday, she then sent out for some more tests to determine what kind of lymphoma he has.  What we know so far is that it is ‘intermediate to large cell, high grade’, and the…

  • Meme Monday – Dreaming of France

    Allow me to bore you a bit with the plans that my cousin Carey and I have for our upcoming trip to France. We are leaving on Friday, September 9th, and coming home on Monday, September 26th. We are both SO EXCITED, and dreaming of France and the things we will see and do is a lot of fun. Our first week will be in the South of France, in a small village called Mougins. This is where the time share is, and looking online, it looks like a picturesque place. We fly through Paris, into Nice. Hopefully our baggage will make it, as we are taking a chance and…

  • Fabulous Fridays

    My company is giving us a lovely benefit this summer, which is Fridays off from work, which they are calling ‘Fabulous Fridays’. I am loving it. On my first Fabulous Friday, I Got Things Done. I started by taking one of the cars in for an oil change, and while I waited for the car, I took Mulder for a walk downtown. It was a nice change from our normal daily walk around our neighborhood. The car took about an hour longer than it should have, which caused me some stress, as I had a hair appointment at 11:00. Luckily, modern times means that I have my stylist’s number in…

  • Shakshuka

    I realized the other day that I haven’t posted in over a month, and that it was a month between my last couple of posts too. Also, my last post was just a political meme with no input from me. I will try to do better, I do have things to tell, and I want to come see your blogs as well. I sat down with the intention of writing a ‘catching up with J’ type post, but now Ted wants to go to see a movie, there is a new library that is opening today, I need a shower, blah blah blah. So, here is a recipe for a…

  • Meme Monday – Catching Up

    Looking at this meme, you might think I had been to the beach. Perhaps back to Hawaii. Nope, life has been very local lately. I have no excuse for not posting here, other than laziness. I’ll catch you up, OK? Back in April, I took a drive out to see my Great Aunt for her 98th birthday. One of my cousins arranged a party at her retirement home, which was great. We had family come from as far as San Diego and Reno, and I saw folks I haven’t seen since I was 5 or 6. It was a relaxed event, KFC and strawberry pie. Aunt Flo’s memory is horrible,…

  • Jess’ Secret Signature Summer Salad

    Tomorrow is my Great Aunt Flo’s 98th birthday, and we are going to gather to celebrate with her. It will be picnic type potluck outside at her retirement home, and the menu is mostly take out, KFC, Strawberry pie, that kind of thing. I decided to make a black bean and corn salad that I adore. I first got the recipe from my blog friend Jess Riley in 2007, and while I have it printed out, I had a horrible thought…what if she were to shutter her blog, and I lose my printed copy, and the recipe is gone forever???? I can’t bear the idea. So, I’m going to copy…

  • Friday Randomness

    My darling friend Marilee, who lives in Upstate New York, near Niagara Falls, sent me a link to a Literature Clock. When you go to that website, a quote from literature will appear that corresponds (sometimes exactly, sometimes loosely) to the current time. I forget about it for days or weeks at a time, then I see it in my Safari tab, and I check it out. I like it, it’s a small pleasure. As you can see by my last 2 posts, Maya and Mulder both had birthdays recently. For Maya’s birthday, we had a party on Saturday, and the menu was appetizers…we have varied dietary restrictions around here,…

  • Meme Monday

    I saw this meme the other day, and it made me laugh. Giving cats medication can be extremely difficult. Ted is deathly allergic to cats, so I haven’t had to deal with this particular problem in almost 40 years. When our sweet dog, Genevieve, was elderly, she had to take a lot of medication. One of the medications she had to take was a particularly nasty tasting powder…I accidentally got some on my finger once and licked it off in a moment of stupidity. Horrible. So she hated it. I worked so hard to get them in her…I used to buy capsules and fill them with the powder, then wrap…