• Wordle Wednesday

    Are you playing Wordle, the online game that’s taking the internet by storm? I’m playing, and I really like it. I like that there is only one word per day, and that everyone gets the same word. It seems gentle to me, sort of like “The Great British Baking Show” (or Bake Off, if you’re somewhere where that term isn’t copyrighted). If you’re not playing, and you like puzzles, you might give it a try. It’s sort of like Mastermind, sort of like Hangman. You try to guess the 5-letter word of the day in 6 tries. You cannot use random letters, they have to be words. The yellow squares…

  • Meme Monday

    This weekend’s decluttering task was the kitchen drawers. It’s disturbing how satisfying it is to throw things away. I pick things out that I think Goodwill might sell, and put those in a bag to donate. I pick things out that I think I can give away on my Buy Nothing group, and I post those. But a lot of things are just plain worn out. Next weekend SHOULD be the cupboards where the pots and pans go, but I think I am going to skip that and come back to it. Our bathroom cabinets are a disaster and it is very difficult to find things. We have eleventy billion…

  • Friday Randomness

    Cutting straight to the chase, we are all fine. Maya felt pretty crummy last week, improved over the weekend, and is now back to her old self. Her symptoms were mostly her throat, and feeling tired, it never went into her lungs. Unfortunately, COVID hit another family member and his household. They live a couple of hours away and are not vaccinated. It hit them pretty hard, and they are slowly on the mend now. There is no convincing people about the vaccine, so we just sigh and hope for the best. Ted and I never tested positive. Perhaps we had it before Maya did (Ted had some symptoms that…

  • Thankful Thoughts

    Blog friend Jonathan wrote a nice post the other day about things he was thankful for at that moment in time. I like the idea of setting aside the obvious things like family and so on, and concentrating on the more immediate things. Here, then, are 5 things I am thankful for right now. I am thankful that we were able to procure COVID-19 at home tests, so that when Maya started feeling kind of crummy, she took a test. Not thankful that the results were positive, but thankful that she found out quickly. I am thankful for the vaccines, including the booster, that we were able to get. I…

  • Healthy Lentil Chili

    Photo and recipe courtesy of Food Network. While cleaning out my kitchen cupboards last weekend, I came across a lot of lentils. Brown lentils, green lentils, black lentils, and red lentils. I make a couple of dishes with green lentils, like my lentil and tuna salad, and vegetable lentil soup. I have a yummy red lentil soup recipe with warm spices. This time, I thought I might make something with some of the brown lentils, and I wanted to make something that wasn’t soup. So I went to google and came up with this recipe for Lentil Chili. Looks delicious, and bonus, it’s vegetarian and no bread or noodles, so…

  • Meme Monday – Omicron

    Stupid Omicron sure seems to be making the rounds. I know so many people who have COVID right now, so many more than at any time earlier in the Pandemic. Of course, we have tests (theoretically, since they are hard to find) now, so people have a better chance of knowing that they are infected. Everyone I know who currently has it (OK, not everyone, but 9/10) have been extremely careful and are fully vaccinated, though not all have had a chance to get the booster yet. Early on in the pandemic, when we were all staying home and everything was closed, I thought we were all going to get…

  • New Year’s Resolutions

    Most years, I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. I feel like we can be as intractable or changeable as we desire any day of the year, no real need to focus it all at the beginning of a New Year. Sometimes I go for it, though, because it can be easier to track a change and when it started if it started at the beginning of a week, month, year, etc. One year, my resolution was to floss more. Actually, that was my resolution for several years, but one year it finally stuck. Later that year, I was pleasantly surprised in what a difference it made in the amount of…

  • Meme Monday – Rain in the forecast

    I know I’ve posted this meme before, way back in 2015 when it was dry dry summer and I was sick of it all. Today I am writing in a much better mood, having watched the weather report on the evening news, which said that we are predicted to get rain starting Tuesday, and then on and off (meaning some every day) for the next week. More importantly for California, we recently got about 8 feet of snow in the mountains, and can expect about that much again in this upcoming week. Thank God. That takes a combination of storms and cold. Too warm, and we don’t get the snowpack…

  • Meme Monday

    This one rang especially true the other day when my daughter asked me if I had seen her vaccination card. She needed it for work. The last time I remember seeing it was when we were in Maui, though I know she brought it home with her. But where beyond that. Did she carelessly set it down? Or did she deliberately set it down somewhere safe, and forget? The problem with living with other people is that often we don’t know WHO might have set something aside for safe keeping. I assume it was her, it’s her card. But who knows. Maybe I put it somewhere, or my husband did.…

  • NaBloPoMo – Day 30

    Here we are, my 30th post in 30 days. I’m pretty much out of ideas, so I am posting this meme that I saw somewhere. We can talk about that. We can talk about avocados and whether we love them or not. We can talk about other foods that are like this. We can talk about memes and how stupid and funny they can be sometimes. Whatever. I’ll start. I adore avocados. I don’t actually find them to be as persnickety as this meme suggests, and I often find myself in possession of perfectly ripe avocados. We had quesadillas for dinner last night, and I diced a lovely avocado, and…

  • Meme Monday – Ready for Christmas?

    I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Ours was very nice, delicious food, good company, lots of laughs. Overall a winner. After Thanksgiving, we had a little friends and family time. Ted had lunch with his best friend on Friday, and Maya went into San Francisco with a friend to visit another friend of theirs, who recently had an appendectomy. I had to do a bit of work, but not too much. Working from home is a blessing and a curse. I didn’t have to go in to the office, which was the blessing. I did have to work, which maybe I might have avoided if I weren’t so available.…

  • Sunday Morning Walk

    Our walk on a recent Sunday morning brought us to a local park, which has a large pond. We mostly see birds at this pond…geese and ducks and coots. But we sometimes see a heron of some sort, and if we are lucky, a turtle. Generally the turtles are in the water swimming, and the pictures I get of them are not very good. But if you look at this picture, in the lower right corner, there is a little turtle sitting on a rock or something. Perhaps, like Yertle the Turtle, he is the king of all he surveys. Or perhaps the queen. Or perhaps it is just enjoying…