• Half-Assing It

    I’m not much of a ‘New Years Resolution’ type person, with a couple of exceptions. One year I resolved to eat more pancakes. Since I rarely eat pancakes, that was an easy one. Another year I resolved to floss my teeth more. Actually, that was a resolution MANY years running, until it finally stuck and now I floss my teeth semi-regularly. I’ve seen a lot of posts where blog friends are very organized and planning how many books they are going to read, date nights, etc. I don’t really track that sort of stuff, so I wouldn’t really enjoy that, I don’t think. I have, however, decided to make some…

  • Birthday Gifts

    I received quite a few lovely birthday gifts, including the lovely necklace in my previous post. (Did I mention it was made in France? I didn’t buy it there, but loved that detail.) Among my favorite gifts were the flowers above, a new iPad and keyboard(!!!), and some lovely earrings. Flowers – I always thought my favorite flowers were tulips, until I discovered peonies. Now I go back and forth. And gerbera daisies are just so joyful! I love them all. iPad/keyboard – My old iPad Mini was from 2015, and was showing its age. I’m a grouch and want anything I buy to be perfect and last forever, but…

  • Rainy Day Thoughts

    It’s early on Saturday, and I’m sitting downstairs with a cup of tea and the back door open, because it’s not cold and I love to listen to the sound of the rain. Once anyone else wakes up, I will have to close the door because it will be too cold for Ted and Maya (I do have my robe and slippers on), but I’ve been here for almost 2 hours and I’m loving every minute of it. Mulder just came downstairs about an hour ago, and he refuses to go outside and have a pee. Not sure how long he intends to hold it, but I guess time will…

  • Friday Thoughts

    I’m a day late to wish you a very Happy Winter Solstice. Longtime readers will perhaps remember that I have shared this photo before. It is a time lapse photo from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, of the path of the sun on the Winter Solstice, taken December 21st, 2012. Fairbanks is outside of the Arctic circle, so the sun does technically come up every day of the year, but in the darkest days, it peeks above the horizon, then skits along for a bit, before setting a few hours later. Speaking of the Winter Solstice, I read at Light and Momentary that although after the Solstice, we get a…

  • Meme of the Day

    Work is crazy right now, I work for a payroll software firm, and year-end means getting changes in to start in January. It’s exhausting. Things will slow down soon, and I have a few days off, so hopefully I can spend time with my family, and also post here, and come by and check out your blogs as well. I’m sorry I haven’t been there. I’ll be there soon. In the meantime, I love this meme.

  • Christmas is Coming

    I’m not sure how this happened, but I just realized that Hanukkah starts on Sunday, and Christmas is the Sunday after that. I think I thought we had another week somehow. I’ve been feeling pretty prepared, but am just realizing that I have some things that I want to get done this week, rather than waiting until next week. I had assumed I would do holiday shopping on Friday, since I have the day off from work, but then I made an appointment at the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew my license, and I’m getting together with my friend Neva for late lunch and shopping after that. I feel…

  • Friday Wrap-Up – and Vitamin Advice Needed

    Yesterday was another Fabulous Friday, and I had the day (mostly) off from work. I started out being very responsible and went to get some blood work done. I have never gotten in and out that quickly, it was great. Then I did a little bit of work…we get Fridays off right now, but if something important comes in, we are supposed to take care of it if we can. A good part of our team is in India, so if I waited until Monday to do these things, they wouldn’t be able to move forward until Tuesday. After I finished with that, Mulder and I had a lovely walk…

  • Happy Birthday to my Brother

    Picture of Richard and me, WAY back in 2001, in our Grandma’s back yard before his sister-in-law’s wedding. We’re older and greyer now. Happy Birthday, to my big brother, Richard! I mentioned him in my post last week for my sisters’ birthday. Seems like quite a few of my favorite people are Sagetarious. Richard and I have the same mom, and we were raised together. We were both born in the Bay Area, he in Oakland, me in Berkeley, and we moved to Fairbanks, Alaska when we were young. We lived for a year or two in a homestead outside of town, with no running water and no telephone, and…

  • Haven

    In seventh-century Ireland, a scholar and priest called Artt has a dream telling him to leave the sinful world behind. Taking two monks—young Trian and old Cormac—he rows down the river Shannon in search of an isolated spot on which to found a monastery. Drifting out into the Atlantic, the three men find an impossibly steep, bare island inhabited by tens of thousands of birds, and claim it for God. In such a place, what will survival mean? I just finished ‘Haven’, by Emma Donoghue. Who knew the story of three early medieval monks going off to Luke Skywalker’s island to form a tiny monastery could be so compelling? But…

  • Friday Wrap Up

    It was another Fabulous Friday off from work. I started out by Getting Things Done. Mulder and I dropped the car off to get its smog test so we can register it, and while they were working on that, we walked over to the post office to mail my gift for San’s Secret Santa Mug Swap. I had been worried, because I found what I HOPED would be the perfect mug, but I ordered it online, and communication was poor. However, the mug came in plenty of time, and off it went. There was a big sign saying no dogs in the post office, and I didn’t want to be…

  • Ouch!

    Random photo of a purple flower, from Monet’s Garden in Giverny, France. I chose this picture specifically because I am too vain to take a picture of my black eye, which is also purple, though not nearly so pretty. I take thyroid medication, which has to be taken with water, and works best if taken on an empty stomach, at least 1/2 hour before eating anything. I feel like that means before having a cup of tea or 3, since I take my tea with milk. So I take it when I wake up every morning, at around 4am. I then roll over and go back to sleep. This wouldn’t…

  • Caveat Emptor

    You all know better than to buy items advertised on Facebook, right? I mean, unless they are advertised by a reputable, known company. Apparently, I have not yet learned that lesson. Or perhaps, I have finally learned that lesson. You can see how I was tempted though, right? Look at that cute holiday card. Seeing as how I went to France this year, I couldn’t resist. So I ordered a set. Scratch that, I ordered 4 sets, so I would have enough to send to everyone on my Christmas list. As soon as I completed my order, I started to regret it. I should have done a bit of research…

  • Happy Birthday to my Sisters

    This picture is at my Dad’s 70th birthday, in 2013. My sisters are twins, and today is their birthday! Melissa is on the left, I am in the middle, and Maya is on the right. Due to NaBloPoMo, I have a lot of new readers, so I will give a bit of background on my relatively unique upbringing. For anyone with a lot of time on their hands (ha!), I wrote about meeting my dad at the age of 21, here, here, and here. The short version is that my parents met in High School, and were great friends, though never dated. My mom dropped out of college at U.C.…

  • Pasta alla Norma

    Sometimes, I just want a bowl of pasta. One pasta that I love is Pasta all Norma, with eggplant, basil, and cheese. I love this recipe from the Mark Bittman for the New York Times, but I don’t love the idea of frying the eggplant. I don’t like how much oil it absorbs, and how it stinks up the house and makes a mess. Happily, helpful folks have commented their modifications to the recipe, which I wrote down, and went ahead and used them. Ted is low carb…he loves pasta and bread and so on, but it doesn’t play so well with him anymore, so he tries to avoid it…

  • Picture of the Day

    Wow, my hands look old. I’m turning 57 next month, so I guess it’s not surprising. Anyway, my old lady hand is showing off the lovely bracelet that I bought in France this September. I had in mind that I wanted to buy myself a memento in France, something to remember the trip. I went with my cousin…she and I were in charge of our Grandma’s estate after she passed away. Her will said that her sister, my Great Aunt Flo, was entitled to stay in the house as long as she wanted to. So my cousin Carey and I managed that, with repairs and taxes and so on, for…