Monday Meme
I know, a cartoon and a meme are not the same thing, but I liked this cartoon and decided to share it. Want to get caught up?

This sign is on one of our local walks. There’s construction ahead, and somehow, they think it’s important for us to know that the sidewalk is close. Very close. Maybe a foot and a half? (I did terribly on the spacial section of the ASVAB way back when, so don’t really ask me about distances, and if you need help packing your moving truck, I’m probably not your gal.)

Do you make wishes? I sometimes do. I make a wish if I blow out birthday candles, if I’m throwing a penny in a fountain, if I see a white horse, and when the clock says 11:11. I have no idea where I got the horse one. I recently read You Could Make This Place Beautiful, and Maggie Smith says that when she makes a wish, she always wishes for peace. I love that, it’s so all encompassing. Peace in the world, peace in my relationships, peace in my heart.

Look at this funny picture of Mulder and George Bush the squirrel, taken when Mulder was almost 1. He thinks he can jump up somehow and catch GB. Not going to happen. I love Facebook memories when it pops up funny pictures like this.

We had a lovely time celebrating Maya’s birthday this weekend. This picture is from our dinner on Friday. Saturday we had a party, which was a lot of fun. The food was really good.

This is Maya’s favorite salad from True Food Kitchen, which is a small chain of restaurants, and has a location here. Ted’s cousin made it for the party, and I can see why Maya loves it, it’s delicious. Maya suggests extra dates, and extra cheese. She made it with both cheddar and manchego cheeses. I’m not sure why the menu doesn’t mention Romaine lettuce, which is clearly included.
We also had crab cakes, lots of cheeses and fruit, sausage, sweet piquante peppers stuffed with goat cheese, artichoke dip, chips and salsa and guacamole, and of course, cake and ice cream. Maya wanted to try the Milk Bar vanilla cake this year, instead of the chocolate. She has deemed the chocolate superior, though she enjoyed the vanilla. I think I like the vanilla better. I had some delicious ice cream – Eureka Lemon and Marionberries. SO GOOD. For those who perhaps don’t want lemon and berry ice cream (psychos) we had 2 kinds of chocolate, vanilla, and pralines and cream.
What else…well, as of yesterday I have done my yoga for 90 out of the last 91 days (I didn’t do any on January 1st). I’m still really enjoying it. I’ve also been doing my strength exercises, and I am starting to see a bit of improvement in my arms. I had hoped to see more improvement by 3 months in, but I guess I would need to lose weight for that to happen. I’m going to try increasing my hand weights, though, and see if that helps me to build more muscle.
I’ve been enjoying the last book in Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Quartet, The Story of the Lost Child. Between birthday prep, work, life in general, and wanting to read my book, I haven’t been commenting much on blogs. I get a little motivated, read one or two, comment if I can (depends on what computer I use), and then I get distracted and go read my book or whatever. Hopefully this week I’ll be more motivated.
So tell me, what’s new with you? Does it feel like Spring where you are? It can’t decide around here. Beautiful weather one day, then cold again. I hope it’s just the way you like it where you are.

Love that comic panel (although it started to give me fits before I saw the autocorrect)!
Maya’s birthday dinner sounds perfect to me, right down to the ice cream. My favourite ice cream shop here in NEO (Mitchell’s Homemade) makes a lemon black raspberry that is Buckle Your Knees good. The first time I had it, I got tears in my eyes, no lie.
The photo of Mulder and GWB is so dear. Our front porch squirrels have gotten so arrogant that even Marlowe’s presence doesn’t do much to deter them now. I run her out there once in a while to clear the area for my blue jays, but they still linger nearby, and one even dares come up the front steps a bit, flicking its tail. They’re incorrigible.
I always make wishes on one lone star in the sky. And on the rare occasion (now) that I blow out a birthday candle. I never heard of any other time to make a wish!
I forgot about wishing on a star. I guess because I rarely see the first star of the evening!
Squirells can sure be assholes, can’t they? UGH.
That ice cream sounds heavenly.
That Sidewalk Close sign is hilarious.
What a lovely photo of you and Maya and it sounds like a wonderful time of celebrating someone you love AND appreciating the wonderful gift that is delicious food.
I’m trying to think what I’d typically prefer – vanilla or chocolate cake. It really depends! If the chocolate cake has peanut butter frosting, there is no contest.
I have fallen off the daily yoga bandwagon, but did it daily for all of January and February and that was amazing and I’m looking to get back to regular – albeit not daily – yoga in April. I have been rating each yoga video I do and I think my plan now is to go back and just do my favourites. Why not?
I think I need the daily, or else I’ll look up and realize it’s been 2 months and I haven’t done any. And it really has helped my back and my neck. It’s easy for me to fit in most days though, as I am only responsible for getting ME to work on time, and I work from home. And I rarely sleep past 6 (though when I do I LOVE IT)
When I first clicked on your page, all I could see was the first bubble and in my head I was screaming “have” and then I read the rest of it and laughed at myself. We, the grammar police, are a terribly pedantic lot.
I loved that quartet so much. I’m so happy to hear that you’ve been enjoying it enough to get to the last book.
I don’t make wishes. When I there are wish opportunities, I remember a wonderful time I had in the past and hope for more wonderful times to come.
I like that method, remembering happy times and hoping for more, that’s very…peaceful.
The cartoon is ridiculous, isn’t it? I think it almost killed me before I saw the joke.
THANK YOU for the book club. I have no idea why it had never occurred to me to read the books, I love the TV series so much.
Ally Bean
Autocorrect is endlessly funny and the cartoon captures it. The photo of you two is wonderful, such joy. The salad recipe is my kind of yum. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks Ally! The salad was indeed delicious! And very different than what we usually had, which is fun.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I love that comic. Also the sign about the sidewalk makes me think of one that someone put up at one of my offices saying “broke” on a toilet that was broken, and I always thought, “I wonder why he is broke? Do you think he spent too much at the bar last night?” Also a few days ago I stayed in a cheap motel and the sign in the room said, “check out time 11:00 noon.” Do they not know that noon is not 11:00? Did they change the sign and forget to delete the old time? Can I chose one or the other? I am not sure.
11:00 Noon is so perfect I may start using it.
Interesting that the broke toilet is male. Isn’t it a ladies room? Oh, maybe an all gender bathroom, never mind. 😉
Wonderful photo of you with the birthday girl! I’m going to go look at the Milk Bar cake. I’m generally not a fan of chocolate or vanilla cakes; my tastes run to carrot or hummingbird. lt’s definitely springy here with 60s and sun. Lovely walking weather! I like the idea of wishing for peace; it encompasses so much.
I’ve never heard of hummingbird cake. We love carrot cake around here. If we get one from the bakery, that’s usually what Maya requests, but Milk Bar is very limited.
Nicole MacPherson
I loved reading every single thing in this update, J! Maya and I have very similar tastes in food, and I was kind of drooling reading the descriptions. Also, I want cake. I WANT CAKE NOW (it’s 5:30 am, so maybe not right now).
That sign cracks me up. The close sidewalk. Also “should of” is a huge pet peeve of mine, although I never would correct anyone because I don’t want to be an asshole, but I always THINK the correction. So I’m a silent asshole? I don’t know.
Cake seems like a perfectly acceptable breakfast choice, Nicole.
Do you remember Jimmy Carter? When asked in an interview if he had ever strayed from his marriage, he said “I have sinned in my heart”. That’s you with the correcting. Also me.
Ha, love that cartoon! And I’m laughing at you and Nicole being “silent assholes.”
Soyou went on to read all four books? I really liked MBF (unlike the majority of our book club) and read the beginning of the second book- because I HAD to know what happened after the wedding!- but other than that, haven’t continued with the series. Someday I’ll read them all.
I love the photo of you and Maya! And, her birthday feast sounds delicious.
LOL, yes, we are silent assholes. It doesn’t help to try to teach anyone other than your child correct grammar, so best to keep it to yourself.
YES, I highly recommend going for it with all of the books! I’m almost 1/2 way into the 4th book, and am loving it!
I like both the comic and the road sign. I am sitting here pondering on whether there has ever been an appropriate use for that sign. Perhaps when you’ve been walking for miles over uneven ground with rocks and holes and finally, finally the sidewalks are close!
I love your photos and admire how much you and your daughter look alike. And that salad sounds tasty!
Zazzy, that WOULD be a perfect use for that sign, nicely done. To say Maya takes after me is a big compliment to me, thank you. 🙂
Lisa's Yarns
“Sidewalk close” – oh my. That especially bad! That comic is very funny, too. I like this hodge podge of life updates. Maya’s birthday celebration sounded like so much fun! I have heard that Milk Bar desserts are incredible. I’ve never looked to see if they make anything GF – my hunch is that they don’t. I should check out a Milk Bar location next time I’m in NYC, though. Although as of now I have no plans to go there – last year I was there 3 times!
It is not very springy here. It’s been so cold and dreary, but that is typical for early April in Minnesota! I’m kind of bummed by the forecast for Florida next week. It looks like it will be overcast with highs in the low 70s. That is not what I expected for FL in April! We are staying further north on the panhandle but I thought surely it’d in the 80s by this time of year. But it will still be an improvement and with the humidity it will probably feel just fine!
Lisa, it was in the mid 70s here earlier this week, then a cold front came in and now we have the heater on (believe me, it will be turned off as soon as my family leave for work, we don’t need it on all day or anything), and we got a dusting of snow on our local mountain. Next week it’s supposed to get into the low 80s. So Spring is definitely unpredictable this year! I’m going to lunch today and planning to wear a sweater, probably the last time this year. Though I’ve said that a few times already.
I don’t think Milk Bar has gluten free options, they have a very limited menu. Their taste profiles are not terribly sophisticated or anything, more like extra good versions of junk food. So the vanilla cake tastes like a really good box mix cake without chemicals, and the chocolate one tastes like a really good quality ding dong. To me at least.
You find the best memes! The one at the top was perfect.
Love that sidewalk close sign. So glad they warned you there is a sidewalk close by! 😉
Sounds like Maya had a wonderful birthday. I’m so glad to hear it!
Thanks Stephany! Mostly I curate memes and jokes from things friends post on Facebook. I see one that makes me laugh and I just save it until it comes in handy for a post. Sometimes they have nothing to do with the topic (like today) and that’s fine with me.
Maya did have a good birthday, thank you! It was low keyish, but also fun with family coming over and so on.
I’m behind in my reading of blogs too. I’ve been trying to get my blog ready to be moved off of private and I did it today. That was a huge time suck, but I’m glad it’s done.
I just chuckled at your comment about the blueberry sour cream jello thing. I’m with you, I’d probably not make it – but if it was GF, I’d probably at least try it. I also laughed at your (psychos) notation in your post about people not liking berries ice cream. You’re on a roll.
I don’t really make wishes. Maybe when I was a kid. I hadn’t heard the 11:11 thing.
Maya’s bday sounds like a wonderful time. That salad sounds delish. Great photos.
Thanks Ernie! You’re very dedicated, coming and catching up this way. I’m glad your blog is figured out, and hopefully that whole chapter is BEHIND YOU.
That sign and the comic are the best. I must send the comic to my mom – she is the Grammar Police. We were tussling over the singular they just this morning. Sigh. (I use it, she refuses…)
The picture of you and your daughter is just lovely. <3
Thanks Anne! Oh, the singular they. Lots of people have trouble with it, and I will confess that it doesn’t come naturally to me. But given the choice between having to learn some new grammar, or ignoring someone’s feelings and needs, I’ll lean toward learning. It’s a tough one for some folks, I know.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
That salad looks delicious. All the food sounds delicious. And you and Maya are so so happy. Great photo.
It’s definitly spring around here but a bit chilly and windy today. Still. I am sitting outside while typing this.
Thanks Tobia! Yes, I love spring, it’s perhaps my favorite season. We don’t get the mud issues some people get.