Monday Meme

Quick Monday Meme: Love/Hate Relationships (thanks Nance)

  1.  What song/kind of music always makes you feel good/irritated?
    I love the Beatles White Album. Esp. Dear Prudence and Rocky Racoon.
    If I could just please go the rest of my life without hearing Debbie Gibson, I would be happy.
  2. What are among your best/worst traits?
    I’m generally kind and empathetic. I am also a good cooker. (Maya’s term when she was little)
    I think empathy can make me a bit wishy washy, as I can see the other point of view easily.

  3. What food did you used to like but now you don’t?
    I won’t go so far as to say that I don’t like chocolate anymore, but I will say that when I was a kid, I wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate ice cream. Too much now. Now I would rather have angel food cake, or something lemony. Really, I’m not much of a cake eater, I’d rather just have cherry ice cream.

  4. What book did everyone else love but you didn’t?
    I couldn’t make myself finish Davinci Code.  I just couldn’t get into it.

  5. Fill in the blanks: I love my ______, but I hate (its/their/the)______.
    I love my puppy-boy, Mulder, but I hate his sensitive tummy and cleaning up his barf if he drinks too much water too fast or eats something he perhaps shouldn’t have or whatever else makes him vomit.  Thankfully, Ted bought a pretty good carpet cleaner.

One Comment

  • nance

    Oh, you’re welcome!

    1. I like the Beatles earlier stuff. I could listen to Sgt. Pepper all day long.
    3. Cherry (other than pie) doesn’t do much for me. But I’m with you on no longer being crazed about Super Chocolate. I also appreciate lighter, lemony things. And I always asked for angel food cake on my birthday when I was a little girl.
    5. My grand-dog, Zydrunas, also has a bit of a touchy stomach in that way. It seems to be getting better with age, thankfully, as he realizes that water is Not A Special Treat and his food is Only For Him; No One Else Will Steal It.