Meme Monday

I was tagged by Scarlett to do this little meme, 8 things you don’t know about me. Usually, I’m fairly game for a meme (that kind of rhymes), but between my ‘100’ things and the 51 other memes I’ve already done, I’m not sure there is any mystery left in this relationship. But kindly, since I was having trouble, Maya helped me come up with a few. Thanks, Monkey!

First, the rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

And here we go: Eight things about J, trying my best to tell you things you didn’t already know, and yet might interest at least one person out there.

  1. The plant my MIL bought for us to help ‘stage’ our home is dying. I’m trying to revive it with fertilizer, because a dead plant does NOT sell homes.
  2. I’m addicted to real-estate and home improvement shows, especially the Canadian show on HGTV, Buy Me.
  3. I hate cool-whip. I have no problem with real whipped cream in a can, but the tub of non-dairy stuff is freaky. I mean, what IS it, exactly? Chemicals? (I know, I eat Cheetos, which are nothing but chemicals…go with me here, people!)
  4. In high school, I was a member of the D&D club. That’s Dungeons and Dragons, for those of you too cool to even know.
  5. I like breakfast food for dinner (omelettes and eggs esp.), and I like dinner for breakfast (esp. cold pizza or pasta). To me, good food is good food. I even like dessert for breakfast, if it’s pie.
  6. I’ve never had the Indian dish known as Butter Chicken. The way that all of my friends rave about it, however, I’m either going to have to try to make it, or order it, pronto.
  7. I’m a decent cook. I like to cook, and most of what I make is tasty. But I do get stuck in a rut sometimes, and I tend to rely on recipes more than inventing dishes of my own.
  8. Baking, though, I can take or leave. It doesn’t BOTHER me to do it, but it doesn’t give me much pleasure. I’d much rather be: reading a book, walking the dog, blogging, napping, watching real-estate shows on TV, gardening, eating, cooking something savory, whatever.

Um…tagging 8 people. I know I should, it’s the rules, but I kinda wonder if people get burnt out on being tagged? So I’ll say, if you want to do this, go for it. Consider yourself tagged. 😉

OK, that’s it…my 8 things. Happy Meme Monday everyone!


  • Ml

    Great meme, J! Cool whip is some nasty stuff! I once read the ingredients and it’s really gross. I went to a BBQ a few months ago and one of the guests brought cool whip and mixed Grand Marnier in and used it as a dip for fruit. How someone can mix a premium liquor into cool whip is beyond me.

    Like you, I’ve never had butter chicken, but came across a recipe last night in an Indian cookbook that Mom let me borrow. I’ll be making it soon because it looks really good.

  • Autumn's Mom

    I can’t believe I’ve tried something you haven’t! Butter Chicken is yum yum. I don’t enjoy baking either, because I get too wrapped up in what a mess it makes of my kitchen. If I can think of 8 things…I’ll do this one too….

  • kookiejar

    From what I understand there are two kinds of cooks, those who like to make savory dishes and those who like to bake. I’m a baker, myself. Oh, and Cool Whip totally rocks!

  • Random Kath

    Butter Chicken is one of the few Indian dishes that I have actually eaten (and greatly enjoy.) Especially on top of Vegetable Biriyani. Yum! 🙂

    I love Buy Me! Sometimes the story is really sad, but end up happy to see the people finally move on. Sometimes, however, I can’t stand the sellers and wish bad things to happen to their transactions . . .

    I’m one of those weird folks who both loves to cook savory dishes AND to bake, but I often never find enough time to do either.

  • Zhu

    I do the breakfast at night and the dinner at breakfast thing too 😉

    Butter chicken is alright, but not as good as chicken korma in my opinion…

  • Cherry

    Mmm Butter Chicken. Seriously, you do need to try it pronto but be warned, there is a reason BUTTER is the first word. I find is VERY similar to Chicken Tikka Masala which I also adore and usually order if I don’t actually see the words “Butter Chicken” on the menu.

    Right there with ya on the Cool Whip.

  • Lalunas

    I have never tried butter chicken either and I am Indian. Too weird, when you decide to go out and try it, I would love to tag along..

  • sognatrice

    I’ve never even heard of Butter Chicken, so there’s at least one more person who’s never tried it. And Cool Whip has always scared me.