Meme Monday – Weird Junk Food Version

I can’t even with the election tomorrow, I’m afraid I will grind through my mouth guard if I get any more stressed out about it. So I’m taking a deep breath and showing you some food products that I have seen (mostly) at the grocery store.

I was at the drugstore the other day, and I spotted these very strange Apple Pie flavored KitKats. I don’t really like white chocolate, and the entire idea of this makes me want to throw up a bit, so no. But I took a picture for Ted, who loved KitKats back when his body still tolerated such things, especially the ones from England. Then I posted it to Facebook, where I got a few interesting comments.

My friend Janet posted this one, saying she would try the KitKat if I would try the dressing. SO GROSS. Thankfully, I’m pretty sure this is fake. I looked online and cannot find it. There ARE pumpkin spice ranch dressing recipes, however, which I find disturbing.

This one is weird, and sadly appears to be real. The candy corn is flavored to taste like turkey, green beans, ginger carrots, stuffing, etc. So wrong on so many levels. I did not see this at the store, I looked it up online. People are selling it on eBay, so if you’re so inclined and see some, you could try buying some and selling them on the internet, though I would be afraid that no one would buy it and I would be stuck with it.

Based on the pictures posted on my post, I decided to go take pictures of weird things at the grocery store and put them into a blog post. This one is a sore spot around here. When Maya was little, she REALLY wanted this very strange instant oatmeal, because she was really into dinosaurs. I refused, because if I’m going to give my child sugar, it will be something delicious, not something absolutely weird and fake like this. The eggs turn into dinosaurs when you add hot water. Blah. Well, old age has allowed me to lighten up a bit, so last year I gave her a box for Christmas. She tried it, and found it equal parts disappointing and disgusting, just as I had thought. Oh well. I tried to pawn the rest of the box off on our next door neighbors, who have 2 young daughters, but they refused. A few months later they moved away to Chicago. I hope it wasn’t because of the oatmeal.

I really dislike Lays putting people’s mouths on their bags of chips. I don’t know whether beer cheese chips would be delicious or not. It sounds really gross, and I love chips more than almost any other food group.

In the same aisle was hot pickle flavored chips. Would these be good? I suspect I will never know. If I’m going to spend my money and calorie allotment on chips, they are going to be something I like. I am especially fond of the Salt and Pepper Kettle Chips. I will admit to being intrigued by Queso flavored chips, but again, I think I’ll stick with S&P, or perhaps Salt and Vinegar, or even good old fashioned Sour Cream and Onion Ruffles.

Oreos is usually pretty good for some strange flavors. I was disappointed to not find anything truly strange. Carrot cake flavored might actually be kind of good.

These TASTE like normal Oreos, but have a ton of red food coloring in the filling. When Maya was little she had a weird reaction to the red dye in generic Tylenol for infants (we think that was it, who knows…we just didn’t give that to her again.). I wonder what these would do to her?

Next I went to the frozen food aisle. This isn’t really weird, I don’t think, but seems like it would be so sweet that it would probably give you a cavity after one waffle.

Nearby, I found paleo waffles. Did cavemen eat toaster waffles? Somehow I think that is revisionist history.

Last and certainly least, as in, sure, I would eat these, are these holiday flavored ice cream sandwiches. I don’t like eggnog, so not that one, but the other two look kind of good.

Now I’m wishing I had taken pictures of various foods at the grocery store we stopped at in France. Seems like they might have some things that would be different at least from ours, though I’m not sure they can match the U.S. in truly disturbing junk foods.

Your turn…what’s the weirdest junk food you have seen at the grocery store?


  • nance

    I’m on the spot now, so I can’t think of one.

    I will say that I read a review of the Tgiving candy corn, and it was judged Disgusting And Wrong, which is how I judge even Basic candy corn.

    I buy my mother the dark chocolate mint Kit Kats, which are an alarming green. She lights up and then immediately says she has to hide them from my brother (who she lives with) so he doesn’t yell at her for eating sweets (which never, ever happens).

    I do admit to eating a spoonful of Marshmallow Fluff on Friday night when I needed something sweet and couldn’t decide on anything. That did it. That stuff is pure sugar, period.

    Those ice cream sandwiches all look good to me, too. And I like how you relented and bought Maya a box of Dinosaur Egg Oatmeal after all as a gift. Such a good mom!

    • J

      Nance, I posted a picture of the Thanksgiving candy corn on FB, and a friend there said he had tried them, and they were indeed as disgusting as they appear. Two friends commented on the KitKats (those were the only two items I discussed on FB, I save the full on detail for you guys), and one said he tried it and liked it, and the other said he tried it and didn’t. So there you go.

      Dark chocolate mint kitkats sound lovely, sort of like the little Andes mints I used to eat when I worked as a hostess in high school. There was a little box of them at the cash register, and I would buy a couple and eat them almost every day. Love them. I should buy myself a box of them, but I’m afraid I don’t have your self control (like how you don’t gorge on your peanut M&Ms) and I would eat them all in a single afternoon. ESP on Election Day/week/month…

  • Ally Bean

    The Kit Kats don’t sound good to me, but I do like the green tea ones from Japan [?] so who knows. I’ve seen turkey dinner soda for sale, but not candy corn. I’d try the Oreos with red white stuff, but only if I could check my teeth after I ate one. I bet that red dye does a number on your teeth. These are all most unique food offerings. Don’t know how to process some of them, other than… why?

    • J

      Ally, Turkey Dinner soda? What the hell is wrong with people? Obviously there is a group of people out there who enjoy trying strange and disgusting novelty foodstuffs…

      You are absolutely right on the bright red oreos, I’ll bet they would totally turn your teeth red! HA! Makes me wish I worked in an office so I could buy some and put them in the break room, and see what happens. The downside of working from home is that I will not get to do that.