Meme Monday – Truthy version

It’s true, right?

What else is true…

Well, the weather here in California is disgustingly beautiful. As I type this, Sunday in the first few minutes of the Super Bowl, it is 72 and sunny outside. We went for a walk this morning, and commented on our overall good moods being out in such lovely weather. Of course, we are hoping for a wet March, since forecasts are saying the rest of February will be much like the last 6 or 7 weeks have been…dry dry dry.

Ted’s brother has an orange tree, and brought us a big bag of oranges yesterday. Today I went out and bought an electric citrus juicer, and juiced a pitcher of juice. Delicious, though definitely more tart than the stuff we buy at the grocery store. Tarter and brighter. Of course, that goes against my de-cluttering goal…bringing more items into the house. Oh well. Will I become the type of person who brings home a bag of oranges from the grocery store for juicing? Time will tell.

Along with a juicer, I also bought 2 desk lamps. Ted is a member of AARP, and gets a newsletter/magazine every month. The current issue took on ergonomics at your desk. My home desk set up is pretty well, but I’ve been unhappy with the lighting for awhile. The AARP magazine suggested that those of membership age might benefit from brighter lights that are placed exactly where you want them. I am hopeful this will help me to better see when the text in some of the documents I have to review and edit are the wrong color. I’ve been having trouble with that.

Saturday, Maya and I went to a baby shower for Ted’s cousin, who is closer to Maya’s age than Ted’s. She is due in mid-March with her first child. She and her husband are keeping the sex of the baby under close wraps, though rumors are flying. I’ll admit that I found that a little frustrating when out buying baby shower gifts, because I love buying baby clothes, and the gender neutral section was disturbingly small. I managed to buy plenty however, and blow through my budget. Also purchased a couple of books that were among Maya’s favorites when she was little…”The Little Engine that Could”, “Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel”, and “Corduroy”. It made me happy to see a pre-school aged girl enjoying being read these books within about 20 minutes of gift opening. It was a lovely day, and nice to get together. We will gather with family again next weekend, to celebrate Ted’s brother’s birthday.

In more sober news, we will be attending a funeral soon, for my BFF’s mother. It is a long and difficult story, so I won’t go into it, but it was a very difficult leaving. She suffered mightily, and I am relieved that that part is over. Also grateful that my friend Rosemary was able to come to California from Pennsylvania and be here for her mom.

What’s true where you are? I suspect that my mid-western friends are suffering stupid weather, since the high pressure that keeps it dry here usually means storms there.


  • nance

    BEST MEME EVER. Love it. And I love the changes you can ring upon it: Every single thing that exists in this infinite universe is either wine or not wine, a Hershey bar or not a Hershey bar, my fleece robe or not my fleece robe. It’s incredibly satisfying and absolute.

    I’m glad you are enjoying your beautiful weather. We have brilliant sunshine here, reflecting upon the frigid snowpack that has been here for over 40 days. We will not reach 30 today. Again. We will on Weds and Thurs, but another storm is coming Thursday night bringing more snow and I might finally throw myself on the floor and have an actual tantrum.

    Isn’t it wonderful that the classic children’s books are still so well-loved? My boys loved The Little Red Hen and Goodnight Moon, among other classics. And as a child, I adored The Little Engine that Could. Books are the best gifts ever.

    • J

      Well gosh, Nance, I hadn’t thought of applying the meme to anything other than ducks, but of course you are absolutely right. Every single thing that exists in this infinite universe is either Mulder or not Mulder. Ear wax or not ear wax. One could go on forever if one were so inclined.

      I’m sorry it’s so cold and that there is another storm coming your way. Extremely frustrating, especially as I had to water my outdoor plants the other day, which I resent mightily. I’d join you in your tantrum, but I’m in too good of a mood due to the sunshine and warm here. (Though it is a bit colder than it was the other day. That was ridiculous.)

      Oh gosh, Maya LOVED Goodnight Moon when she was an infant. She especially loved chewing on it. (It was a board book) I remember loving a book called ‘The Animal World of Thornton Burgess’ when I was small. Also ‘Curious George’ and ‘Little Toot’.

  • Joared

    Here I thought everything was either a dog or not a dog. Oh well, I can’t always be right. We really had crazy warm weather over the Super Bowl weekend, didn’t we. Now, we’re back to winter as I see the snow in the mountains above me. We didn’t get any rain though while others here in SoCal did and hail! Maybe next time.

    • J

      Joared, you are not wrong. I think dog works as well as duck. 🙂

      I sure am hoping for a wet March. Too soon to say it can’t happen, I guess, but as I go outside to water my plants, I feel like it will never rain again. We had such a promising start to our rainy season, too!

  • Ally Bean

    I laughed at the meme. Gotta love such straightforward insight.

    I like the idea of adding some more light to your desk. About a year ago we changed the overhead light fixture in our home office from an old one with dingy incandescent bulbs to a new one with white LED bulbs. The difference is amazing. We got the new fixture at CostCo so this was a relatively inexpensive fix. I hope you like your new lamps.

    As for our weather? Wet and gray. All the snow has melted but it’s dreary outside. Thus I’m staying inside today.

    • J

      Ally, I’m sorry it is dreary and gray where you are. I sure would like some wet here, but understand that when you’ve had a long wet winter, you do not want any more snow or rain or clouds.

      So far I am liking my new desk lamp. It is helping me to see nuances on my work documents (which go to clients, so it’s important that they be right), which is the main reason I wanted it. Sometimes I can’t see if someone has given my a document with text that is SLIGHTLY off from our company approved colors. Hoping this will help.

  • Margaret

    That duck meme is deep when you think about it. Everything is something, but not something else. In a world full of gray areas, this is black and white! I love freshly squeezed OJ; the best I’ve ever had was in Senegal. My daughter’s friends picked the small green oranges from the trees and made the juice right after. It was delicious!

      • J

        Margaret, if you happen to pop back and see this, I tried 3 or 4 times to comment on your post at your blog, and I could not. I got an error saying I needed a valid URL. Not sure how to fix that, as I was using the URL from my blog. Strange!

        • Margaret

          No worries. You are probably in my spam folder. Typepad is strict and thus I have to check it every day and publish the comments that aren’t spam. (which is the majority of them!)

  • Zazzy

    Hi! Ally Bean sent me!

    This midwesterner is tired of winter. We have mostly not gotten the worst of it, big deep snow north of us, horrible ice storms south of us. But icy mix and cold gray weather makes me grumpy.

    But icy mix is not a duck.

    • J

      Zazzy, you are correct, icy mix is NOT a duck!

      We spent a couple of years in Philadelphia, and if there is anything worse than humid summers, it is the icy mix in winter. Full on snow is fine. Rain is fine. But that slippery ice everywhere is horrible.

  • Christie Hawkes

    Hello J! It’s nice to “meet” you. Ally sent me. I knew I loved you right away when I saw that opening meme. Right now, as it is cold and snowy here in Utah, I wish I lived somewhere that a neighbor could drop off a bag of freshly picked oranges. Still, I know spring is close, and I can hang on until it arrives.

    • J

      Hang in there Christie, Spring is around the corner. I’ve been to Utah a couple of times, Eastern Utah is sure beautiful, and so is the south. I had a business trip once in Logan that was really nice. Western Utah near Nevada? Not as much, just more Nevada.

      I’d send you some oranges, but I think the shipping would kill me.

  • Janet Miles

    Hi there – visiting from our friend Ally’s blogroll. That meme is pretty funny. Also love your quote about the salt water. Gonna write that one down in my planner. I’m in California too, up by the SF airport and the last few days have been bitter cold. Even had some rain. When the sun shines it doesn’t seem to give off much heat. Makes walking the dog a real adventure.

    • J

      Janet, we’re not too far away, in Walnut Creek. And yes, the weather sure has changed! It was in the high 20s this morning when I took my dog for his walk. But at least it wasn’t windy like it was a couple of days ago. Where you are doesn’t get a lot of sun in the summer, I lived in SF for 7 years a lifetime ago…