Meme Monday – Rain in the forecast

I know I’ve posted this meme before, way back in 2015 when it was dry dry summer and I was sick of it all. Today I am writing in a much better mood, having watched the weather report on the evening news, which said that we are predicted to get rain starting Tuesday, and then on and off (meaning some every day) for the next week. More importantly for California, we recently got about 8 feet of snow in the mountains, and can expect about that much again in this upcoming week. Thank God. That takes a combination of storms and cold. Too warm, and we don’t get the snowpack that we need to fill our reservoirs. Too dry, and cold is just cold. But that perfect combination of cold and wet means heaven. Rain without the likelihood of mudslides and flooding. Yes, people will drive like idiots, because they always do and it is worse when it is wet out. The dog may not get walks a few days, depending on the timing. Maybe I’ll make some chili. I’m happy happy happy, and I hope that our entire winter is like this, the Goldilocks amount of rain and snow. Fingers crossed.

P.S., when it rained last week, that 8 feet of snow? I slept with the window open to the beautiful sound of rain all night. It was glorious.


  • nance

    Oh, yay! I am truly happy for California and for you. You can look at and listen to the rain! I hope it helps your poor state recover even just a wee bit.

    I’m making chili this week, too, even though our temperatures are slated to be in the forties and near fifty for Christmas. My 91-year old mother keeps Dooming And Glooming about the “unnatural weather”, but I am blissful. I detest the snow and bitter cold.

    As you know.

    Enjoy your rain, dear friend. I am smiling for you.

    • J

      Thank you Nance, we are indeed grateful. I’m thinking turkey chili will be on the menu for Ted and me, and a vegetarian version for Maya, as she eschews most meat these days. She sometimes makes an exception for fish, and even for lamb curry, but that’s about it. I hope you enjoy your warm Christmas!

  • Ally Bean

    I like rain when the roof is sound and the gutters are unclogged. I hope you and your state get some precipitation and that it makes for a lovely Christmas present.

    • J

      Ally, me too! I hate thinking of the downside when it rains, like a leak or a mudslide or even the dog getting wet. I want it to rain overnight when fewer people are on the roads, and magically dry for the morning commute. I like walking in a light rain with an umbrella, but I dislike having a wet dog. I’m picky regarding ‘perfect rain’, but when it comes to living in California, I am truly thankful for whatever rain we get!