Meme Monday – Karma

Many years ago, when Ted and I were dating, we found ourselves with his family, out in the suburbs, playing miniature golf. I don’t remember why. One thing about Ted and his brother is that they love to tease people. His brother especially gets a kick out of pushing people’s buttons. Not really in a cruel way, but also not in an especially kind way. He loves to see people’s reactions.

So here’s the scene. I’m trying my best to play miniature golf, but I have very little skill and I’m missing quite often and getting frustrated. It’s not fun to fail. Ted and his brother are pretending that they are television commentators, murmuring to each other in low voices, saying things like, “She’s lining herself up for the shot. This is the shot that will make or break the game, and perhaps, her career. Let’s see if she can make it. Oooh, no, that’s too bad.” Imagine that in a golf commentator’s quiet voice, with the fake/genuine regret whenever I made a mistake. This goes on for awhile, and I am getting more and more frustrated. At this point I am angry. I could be assertive and ask them to stop, but I missed that window and there’s no assertive left, so if I say something it’s going to come off as peevish and bitter, because I am feeling peevish and bitter.

My salvation comes in the form of a strong gust of wind that blows a nearby tree, throwing pollen and flowers all over them both. They are both extremely allergic and hilarity ensues (in my head at least), as they are forced to stop ridiculing me and explode into a fit of sneezing. Thank god.

It’s been over 30 years, and the thought of them with watering eyes and sneezing all over the place still warms my heart.


  • Ally Bean

    Great story. I do like it when things turn around suddenly and there is justice in the world. My favorite saying about karma is: Karma is a bitch and she knows where you live. So true

    • J

      Ally, I am glad karma came quickly in this case, because if it hadn’t, I would have forgotten and not put 2 and 2 together. If karma had come in the form of a bad grade on a test, for example, I would not have KNOWN it was recompense for the teasing. But in this case I felt completely sure.

  • nance

    When brothers get together, no one is safe. Luckily…Karma!

    She stepped in for you and saved you. Have you ever brought up that date with Ted and how insufferable he was?

    • J

      Very true about brothers getting together. When Richard and I would get together, we would mostly tease our mom. Everyone else was pretty safe. Ted and I have laughed about that day many times, he thinks it’s funny too.