Meme Monday – Covid Edition
Well, Ted tried his best to keep us safe, but our house is just too small, and Covid is too virulent. I tested positive Sunday morning, and Maya tested positive this morning. I feel like we’re at different phases, with Ted on the mend, me in the midst of it, and Maya on the decline. Mostly it feels like a head cold. At this point, all we can do is stay away from everyone else, and hope none of us have long Covid. I am very thankful for grocery delivery and curbside pickup. Early in the pandemic, in the lock down phase, it felt selfish to me. Like, “I’m not willing to put myself at risk by going in there, you do it.” And generally I don’t like having someone else pick out my produce. But clearly when we’re all sick, we won’t be going inside. So I’m grateful for these services. Also grateful for the vaccines, that keep symptoms relatively mild for most people, and that there are treatments available if you do get sick. Back in 2020 and 2021, getting Covid felt really scary, but now it feels more like a nuisance.
We had curbside pickup yesterday, and we bought some broccoli crowns. Ted loved how big and lush this one was, and decided it looked like a bouquet. Doesn’t he look happy to have won ‘Mr. Broccoli 2023’?
Lastly, a belated happy Grammar Day to you all.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Aw man, I’m sorry that the whole house is down now. I hope you all feel better soon!
Thanks Beckett, me too!
Booooooo– I hope you all feel better fast. (Iove curbside pickup and grocery delivery. I felt like I was keeping the workers safe by keeping my own darn germs out of the store during lockdown, and I also think they generally pick good produce because they don’t want to deal with ppl like me returning stuff LOL)
Sarah, that is a good way of thinking of it, and pretty much what changed my mind. Early on they were just Instacart or whatever, sending people in and making the stores more crowded, and that’s what I felt strange about.
So sorry to hear that you all have covid. I think we’re going to be living with this a long time and I’m very glad that the vaccines and treatments have made it more survivable. You made me curious and so I looked it up. The US has had 230K new cases in the past week and 2.2k deaths. That’s still too many.
I love your broccoli bouquet. Are you gonna roast that pretty green bouquet?
Zazzy, you are exactly right, it’s here to stay. I’m not sure yet what we’re going to do with the broccoli, but roasting it sounds like a great idea.
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
Since I’m knew to your blog, I’ve never seen a picture of your husband – he has a great smile and looks very delighted by that head of broccoli!
I hope you recover from covid quickly! When I had it last year, I was sick for 10-12 days – not dangerously sick but definitely unwell. I stupidly worked through it. I think I might have recovered faster if I had just taken some time off and laid in bed. That’s the downside of being able to work from home – just because you CAN work from home doesn’t necessarily mean you should. One day I had an internal zoom and the woman running the call pretty canceled the call when she heard how awful I sounded. She was like – you sound awful, you should not be working, go lay down!
Hi Lisa, regarding the working from home, I get it. My daughter tested positive this morning and feels kind of crummy, but is working through it (from home). I wish she wouldn’t. I wish she would take time off. She is going to try in a couple of days if she doesn’t feel better, but as you said, I think she is more likely to feel better if she were to take time off now rather than in a couple of days.
Here’s to a quick recovery and keeping spirits light by celebrating the magic of good-looking broccoli.
Thanks NGS!
Hope it’s mild for everyone and NO long covid. That’s what scares me the most. Love the broccoli bouquet but HATE the apostrophes. One of my pet peeves.
Margaret, YES, Long Covid is scary. Hoping for none of that!
Misused apostrophes are a public nuisance. I was shocked to see one on a sign in France!
Ugh…I am really praying no one gets long Covid or any other longer-term symptoms!
The broccoli bouquet looks delicious! I know someone who eats low carb that got a “cake” of raw vegetables one year for her birthday. I’ll stick with my sugar-laden variety for special occassions, but I thought it was a cute idea and it’s amazing how beautiful fruit and veggies are in their natural state!
Elisabeth, thank you for your wishes regarding NO long Covid, and that broccoli cake idea is cute, though I’m not sure I would want to eat it.
Nicole MacPherson
Sorry you all came down with it! I was actually just wondering about it. Hope your healing is quick and smooth!
Thanks Nicole, I do appreciate how hard my husband tried to not pass it on to us, but life has been easier since we all tested positive. It feels so sad to isolate.
Ted’s smile is wonderful. I’d probably do almost anything to make sure I saw it as often as I could.
I’m so sorry you all ended up with covid. Ugh. Please listen to your bodies and rest so that you don’t prolong it. And yes, take advantage of services that help you stay home and get well and keep others safe, too. It’s someone’s livelihood, and thank goodness you can do that.
Thanks Nance, we are trying to slow down and take time off. It’s easier for me and Ted, Maya is in crunch time at work. She’s working from home, and I wish she could just take time off and go to bed, like she should.
Also, that sign gave me physical and mental anguish. Thanks a lot.
Nanc, I know, it’s horrific. I hope it’s fake.
Ugh! I hope you all feel better soon. We have had a crazy situation here, where my husband has had Covid twice and I’ve had it once, but we’ve never given it to each other even though we continued to sleep in the same bed. It makes NO SENSE! I agree, Covid is mostly a nuisance now, but I have to remind myself that it can still be dangerous for certain people. Good for you for staying inside and enjoying your grocery delivery!
Jenny, yeah, I was kind of surprised that we all got it this time, because when our daughter had it last year we didn’t try to isolate, and no one else got it. I wonder if whatever variation we got is more transmissible?
I am hoping that ALL of you are feeling back to normal by now. Such a bummer. But I do love how happy the broccoli makes Ted. I like broccoli, too. I get it.
That sign full of apostrophe abuse makes my head ache. And I wonder if “Goodwyns” above should have an apostrophe!
Thanks Suzanne, Ted is almost back to normal, and I’m definitely feeling better than I was Tuesday or Wednesday. Our daughter Maya is about a day behind me, so hopefully she’ll be feeling better tomorrow.