Meme Monday

One last meme while the shit head is President.

We are all looking forward to the end of this Presidency. What a relief it will be to know that the person in charge is not a psychopath. I like Biden just fine. I like Harris even more. But honestly, I would rather have a rock in the White House than Trump.

Right now I’m wondering in what order the Presidential pardons will come…my guess is first, people who have paid for them, then friends, then family, then traitors and terrorists who attacked the Capitol building, then he will pardon himself. He’s going to have a busy couple of days.

We’re all wishing Biden and Harris the very best, hoping the Senate does the right thing, hoping for better coordination with the Coronavirus vaccination rollout, and hoping for brighter days ahead.


  • nance

    Oh, how I laughed–however ruefully–at this meme! There are some hugely witty and creative people out there. Wow.

    Lots of cash is rolling in already from white-collar criminals for their pardons; I read that in the NYT this morning. He’s going to also pardon a slate of rappers. I just want him G O N E and over with, knowing full well that he’ll make me sick and angry right before he goes.

    My most fervent wish is that the media leave him alone, period. I am weary of the way they chase after him. I hope they’ve learned from that mistake. He needs to have zero platform, zero coverage, and to disappear.

    • J

      Nance, can’t you just hear poor Bill’s voice in the meme? HA!

      Yes, I saw articles about cash rolling in. It’s bribery and it’s a crime, and in early December there were stories about the Justice Department looking into it, but who knows.

      Regarding the media leaving him alone, I sincerely doubt that will happen. They need ratings to stay alive, and he brings ratings. Which is how we got into this situation to begin with, as you said. Will they learn from their mistake? I fear the answer is absolutely not. Sigh.

    • J

      Oh Martha, from your lips to God’s ears, as they say. As I said to Nance, though, I fear it is not to be. I fear that until the asshat dies, we will be hearing his stupid opinion about everything, and his stupid followers will be answering his stupid dog whistles. So upsetting.