Macabre Humor

There’s an old wives’ tale that deaths come in threes, especially the deaths of famous people. So, I’ve decided to have a sick sort of game, where anyone who is interested lists three people you think will die between today, June 1, 2010, and the end of the month, June 30, 2010. They don’t need to be people that you wish were dead, but they should be people that most of us would know without Googling their name.

So, in the comments, give me your guesses. Three famous people you think will day this month. If someone gets all three correct, I’ll send the police to their house, because you probably caused at least one of the deaths just in order to win, right? Prizes? I have no money for prizes. Maybe I’ll send you a cookie or something. Good luck.

My choices (and to be clear, I do not wish any of these people dead):

Sammy Hagar

Lindsay Lohan

George H.W. Bush